UNU-WIDER Development Conference: The Puzzle of Peace – Towards Inclusive Development in Fragile Contexts

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On 16-17 May 2022 in Helsinki, Finland, the UNU World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) will host “The Puzzle of Peace – Towards Inclusive Development in Fragile Contexts”, the first of two UNU-WIDER Development Conferences to be held in 2022

UNV and UNFPA call for applicants to Young Innovators Fellowship Programme

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The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) are calling for a third cohort of young professionals for the Young Innovators Fellowship Programme for 2022.

“Net Gain” is a lose-lose for rights, gender justice and social equity in biodiversity policy (GLOBAL FOREST COALITION)

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A new policy paper by the Global Forest Coalition addresses offsets to biodiversity. It shows that offsets mostly do not contribute to biodiversity conservation and also have significant negative impacts on women and indigenous peoples.

World Down Syndrome Day 2022

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Together we can empower people around the world to advocate for full inclusion in society for people with Down syndrome and for everyone.

2022 World Happiness Report

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The United Nations General Assembly recognizes this goal and calls for “a more inclusive, equitable and balanced approach to economic growth that promotes the happiness and well-being of all peoples” (resolution A/RES/66/281).

World Economic Forum Annual Meeting (MAY 2022)

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The Annual Meeting 2022 will embody the World Economic Forum’s philosophy of collaborative, multistakeholder impact, providing a unique collaborative environment in which to reconnect, share insights, gain fresh perspectives, and build problem-solving communities and initiatives.

49th Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council

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To increase the impact and effectiveness of Asian human rights defenders and civil society’s advocacy in the UN, particularly the UN Human Rights Council, we have established an office in Geneva focusing on UN advocacy since 2008.

New regional UN report sounds alarm on widening disparities and increased vulnerabilities amid the pandemic

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The need to reach those who are furthest behind has never been greater, reveals the 2022 Asia and the Pacific Sustainable Development Goals Progress Report issued today by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP).

New Oxfam report uncovers stories from “prison-like” EU funded refugee center

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De facto detention, revenge tactics and despair for people in Samos closed refugee center. New report from the Greek Council for Refugees (GCR) and Oxfam sheds light on the inside of the new 43-million-euro migration center on the Greek island of Samos.

International Day of Happiness ( 20th March)

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March 20th is the UN International Day of Happiness. With our world facing unprecedented challenges, wellbeing matters more than ever.
