Foreward from Gloria Walton,
President + CEO of The Solutions Project
"When it comes to equity and justice, it’s imperative to put your money where your mouth is. In a moment when movement values have created a buzz, everyone is talking about equity and justice, but the question is - what are we doing about it?
While there is current uncertainty and fear of the urgent climate crisis, rise of anti-democratic forces globally, and the volatility of our economy, this isn’t a time to retract. It’s time to join forces and be in solidarity as we take collective action on our equity commitments. This moment requires audacious leadership, audacious giving, and audacious impact.
At The Solutions Project, we are committed to equity and justice by practicing accountability, transparency, and solidarity."
Making grants.
We do make grants — a lot of them. Especially since we received a game-changing donation from the Bezos Foundation. But we do much more than that. To help grantee voices be heard we provide media and storytelling training. And to get their stories and ideas out there, we connect them with influencers and the media.
Media Training & Networking to Open Doors for Grantees
The Solutions Project provides training and support to grantees. Training includes media literacy and storytelling. Other support includes networking and collaboration opportunities, and the Justice 40 Accelerator — helping organizations apply for Federal funds.
Grantee, Influencer, and Media Relationships to Impact Culture
The Solutions Project leverages influencer and media relationships to get frontline leaders heard. At the same time, we keep these relationships strong by helping influencers and media be authentic, and accountable to their frontline partners.
Our Framework
Founded in 2013, The Solutions Project was created with the belief that clean energy benefits the social good and increases racial equity.
Our goal was simple: 100% renewable energy for 100% of the people.
We started this work with four pillars in mind: business, science, culture, and the most important, community. Our programs launched in 2015 with the field’s first and only award-winning fund for climate justice solutions.
We understood that resourcing the innovations and amplifying the voices of those most impacted by climate change was the surest path to 100%. It’s why we prioritize creative, accountable collaborations with grassroots organizations in communities across the country.
Communities lead the way. Communities create solutions. Communities inspire us.
Philanthropy, government, industry, and media now follow community leaders. Decades of grassroots innovation and eight years of our work has started to pay off.
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