Apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeJpkbNGI95f2-aB158pucUqmYXmhnY...
The B+HR Academy is coming to Southeast Asia!
In partnership with the Government of Japan, the UNDP B+HR Academy is hosting its first regional training on human rights due diligence for companies operating in Southeast Asia from 18-19 September in Bali, Indonesia.
Apply to join other business professionals from across the region seeking to keep their companies competitive by ensuring compliance with human rights standards throughout their supply chains. Through the training, participants will gain a better understanding of potential human rights impacts of their operations and how to account for these impacts using human rights due diligence.
The B+HR Academy will also offer individual guidance sessions for a select number of participating companies interested in conducting a human rights impact assessment.
This training targets business professionals who cover the Southeast Asian market and work in the following areas of practice:
– Senior management/Board of Directors
– CSR/Sustainability/ESG
– Supply chain management
– Procurement
– Human resources
– Legal and compliance
– Risk management
Deadline for applications: 24 August
Note: Attending the training is free of cost; however, participants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation.
The training will provide companies with a better understanding of the potential human rights impacts of their operation and practical knowledge on how to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for these impacts through HRDD. The training curriculum is specific to the dynamism of the ASEAN region, and aims to help companies interested in or already operating in this region ensure alignment with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights as well as other emerging policies.
Date: 18-19 September 2023
Location: Bali, Indonesia
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