The COVID-19 situation continues to impact the arts and culture scene globally. At the SIF, we remain committed in our support towards arts practitioners and their initiatives.
The Arts for Good Project should:
- Connect Singapore and global communities creatively for social good through the arts
- Facilitate active engagement with, or participation by different communities across borders
- Promote cross-cultural understanding, international collaboration, and positive social change
- Feature either digital or hybrid means of production, presentation, collaboration, or community engagement
- Culminate in an online or hybrid engagement component that allows your project outcomes to benefit a wider audience base.
Application Details
- Applications for Arts for Good Project 2023 are now open. Priority will be given to Arts for Good Projects that address the theme of Inclusivity.
- Projects that do not address the theme of inclusivity will still be eligible for consideration.
- Projects should commence after 1 May 2023 and be completed by 31 October 2023. Successful applicants may receive up to S$20,000 per project. Applications will close on Sunday, 5 March 2023, 11.59pm (GMT +8).
1. Who can apply for this support under the Arts for Good (A4G) Projects?
a. Applicants should be arts and culture practitioners, creative professionals or programmers with prior experience working with global communities through the arts.
b. Applicants can be based anywhere in the world, but the project must clearly contribute to connecting Singapore and global communities and facilitating engagements with different communities.
c. Applicants who collaborate with Singaporeans, Singaporean Permanent Residents or engage with Singaporean and Asian communities will be viewed favourably.
d. Individuals or companies may apply. All applications must have either an individual or a legally constituted organisation to take legal and financial responsibility for administrative purposes.
2. Who can apply for this support under the Arts for Good (A4G) Projects?
We encourage you to explore creative and iaginative ways to facilitate engagement with or participation by different communities across borders.
The project should utilise either digital or hybrid means in production, presentation, collaboration, or community engagement. Non-digital projects should adhere and be adaptable to official guidelines stipulated by government bodies such as pandemic-related regulations.
The project should culminate in an online or hybrid engagement component that allows your project outcomes to benefit a wider audience base (e.g. webinar session open to the public, online exhibition open to the public, digital toolkit available for public download, etc).
Digital projects must adhere to Singapore’s Infocomm Media Development Authority’s Internet Regulatory Framework, and standards and classifications for arts related communications and media.
Projects should not infringe the Intellectual Property (IP) rights of others. For information on copyrights and royalties, please refer to the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) and the Composers and Authors Society of Singapore (COMPASS).
3. What are the types of projects not eligible for support?
Projects of the following nature will not be eligible:
a. Are not arts or culture related projects.
b. Do not have a clear social purpose.
c. Do not connect Singapore and global communities.
d. Do not engage with or benefit different communities across borders.
e. Are supported substantially by or presented under the auspices of other organisations.
f. Have already commenced prior to the time of award of grant.
g. Have fundraising purposes.
h. Are intended specifically for academic and/or religious purposes.
i. Do not adhere to official guidelines stipulated by government bodies, including pandemic-related regulations.
4. Who can apply for this support under the Arts for Good (A4G) Projects?
Eligible application will be assessed according to the following criteria and weightage:
Criteria |
Weightage |
a. Strength of project team’s artistic practice and/or professional career. | 20% |
b. Strength of project’s ability to connect Singapore and global communities and foster international collaboration. | 20% |
c. Project’s extent in reaching Singapore communities and global communities | 10% |
d. Project’s quality of engagement with different communities to promote cross-cultural understanding and positive social change. | 30% |
e. Your capacity and commitment to plan and execute the project. | 20% |
Priority will be given to projects that address the theme of Inclusivity.
Projects that address the theme of inclusivity should reflect or address the inclusivity of underserved communities. Some examples of underserved communities include but not limited to:
- Children / Persons with disabilities
- Youth at risk
- Seniors
- Formerly incarcerated
- Persons living in poverty / Persons with limited access to resources.
Projects that do not address the theme of inclusivity will still be eligible for consideration.
5. May I appeal the outcome of the application?
All outcomes are final and we are unable to review any appeals.
Support and Funding
6. What financial support will the SIF provide to successful Arts for Good Projects?
Successful applicants will receive financial support of up to 100% of supportable project expenses, capped at S$20,000 per project.
Support will be provided for expenses associated with general project development (e.g. artists’ fees, professional fees for project management), resources and materials, publicity and marketing, documentation, logistics and access needs. Local and international travel costs (e.g. flight tickets, taxi costs, train costs or any form of transportation fees etc) can be supported. However, do note that the total quantum for travel expenses will be capped at S$2,000 per project.
Support will not be provided for expenses associated with accommodations for international travel (e.g. hotel, hostel or any form of lodging) or operational overheads (e.g., rental costs, purchase of assets, or personal training and expenses). We are currently not in the position to support any COVID-19 testing and quarantine costs associated with international travel.
The financial support will be provided in three disbursements, as summarised below. Disbursements will be credited to you or your organisation’s recognised bank account. Bank charges for non-Singapore bank transactions will be borne by the applicant.
First Disbursement:
50% of the support upon confirmation and submission of the Letter of Agreement.
Second Disbursement:
20% of the support upon successful completion of all components of the project outputs as committed, and upon submission of post-project report. The post-project report must be submitted within four weeks of completion of the project.
Third Disbursement:
30% of the support upon achievement of the project outcomes as committed, through the submission of post-project survey results.
7. Can the financial support cover 100% of the project budget?
The SIF will provide financial support of up to 100% of supportable project expenses, capped at S$20,000 per project.
It is not necessary for you to have your own funding sources to be eligible. However, if you are seeking co-financing for the project, you must clearly state the levels of co-financing in the application.
Projects that are supported substantially by or presented under the auspices of other organisations are not eligible for consideration.
Application Process
8. How do I apply?
Apply online via our application form.
The online application form requires the following items:
1. Project Plan and Impact
2. Project Budget
3. Your CV, as well as CVs of all project collaborators
The CVs can be submitted as Microsoft Word, PDF, or JPEG. There is a size limit of up to 5MB for each file.
Applications must be submitted in English. Applications received in other languages will not be considered.
If you have specific requirements and need to submit your application in a different format, please reach out to us at ArtsForGood@sif.org.sg.
9. When is the application deadline?
The application deadline is on SUNDAY, 5 MARCH 2023, 11.59PM GMT +8 (Go to Dateful.com to convert to your local time).
- Incomplete applications will not be considered.
- Applications not received by the deadline will not be considered.
Note: Please allow an appropriate amount of time based on your Internet’s speed to make your submission before the deadline.
10. May I submit more than one application?
Yes, but only if they are different projects. Each application will be assessed on its own merit.
11. Which Arts for Good Projects were supported in the past?
You may read more about recent projects such as “Interwoven Threads” and “Call To Action” on our webpage.
12. When will I know the result of my application?
Application results will be released in April 2023.
13. Is there a timeline in which the projects should take place? Can projects continue into 2024?
Projects should be completed by 31 October 2023.
Access Arrangements
14. I have a disability. May I apply for the Arts for Good Projects?
We strongly encourage applications from artists or practitioners living with disability. Please feel free to write to us at ArtsForGood@sif.org.sg to let us know how make the application process and the whole project journey accessible and equitable to you.
15. If my application is successful, what will happen next?
You will be notified by the SIF via email and be contacted for further discussion. You will have to sign a Letter of Agreement that includes Terms & Conditions specific to your project. Unless stated otherwise, the finalised Letter of Agreement will be valid for one (1) week from the date of notification.
Should you have any further questions, please email us at ArtsForGood@sif.org.sg.
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