The MacJannet Prize was established in order to:
- Recognize and encourage exceptional student community engagement and community service
- Financially support the ongoing work of university-based civic initiatives
- Elevate innovative civic engagement program models and disseminate them throughout the Network as examples of promising practices
- Strengthen public support for the global civic engagement movement in higher education
- Champion the values and extend the legacy of Donald and Charlotte MacJannet, who devoted their lives to fostering international understanding
- Promote action around the principles of the Talloires Declaration, which recommends steps to elevate the civic engagement of universities around the world
Download a nomination form below.
- To be considered for the MacJannet Prize, programs first need to be nominated. Anyone can nominate a program - including their own. The programs must be based at Talloires Network signatory member universities. Nominations must be accompanied by a letter of support from the head of the university.
- If your university is not yet a Signatory Member of the TN, you may submit a nomination. A letter of intent to join as a Signatory Member of the Talloires Network must be sent to talloiresnetwork@tufts.edu by March 16th to be eligible for the prize.
- A selection committee, including representatives of the Talloires Network and the MacJannet Foundation as well as international higher education community engagement experts, will review nominations and identify the finalists.
- Finalists will be contacted and asked to provide additional information, including contact information for faculty, students, and community members involved with the program. In some cases phone interviews may be requested.
- The selection committee will then deliberate and select one First Prize, one Second Prize, and one Third Prize winner.
How to Nominate a Program
To submit a nomination, please download and complete a nomination form (below). Submit the form by emailing it to talloiresnetwork@tufts.edu. If you require a nomination form in French or another language, please email talloiresnetwork@tufts.edu.
Formulario de Nominación Premio MacJannet (español)
Timeline for the 2023 MacJannet Prize
Nominations due March 30, 2023 by 11:59pm EDT
Selection process, April 2023
Interviews with semi-finalists, April 2023
Final selection process, May - June 2023
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