KNOCA’s first annual meeting June 28

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It has soon been a whole year since KNOCA launched!

To take stock of the network’s activities, share knowledge, and discuss the future of climate assemblies, we invite you to the KNOCA annual meeting. 

You will be able to network with our more than 500 members, gain insights on the urgency of climate assemblies from our keynote speaker (TBC), and participate in sessions on: 

  • What should people discuss? – On remits and framing of climate assemblies 
  • How can public bodies adapt to climate assemblies? – Climate assemblies from a policymaker’s perspective 
  • How to achieve impact? – Pathways toward effective climate assemblies 

More information will follow. 

Why has KNOCA been formed?

Climate Assemblies are increasingly being used in a variety of different European countries at different scales of governance to inform policy responses and social action on climate change. Appetite is growing in countries that have not yet used such processes to explore the possibility of doing so, and to draw on existing experiences and models. As a result of growing and diverse practice, the knowledge and expertise of policymakers, academics, and civil society actors is increasing in the use of such innovative approaches. But this knowledge and expertise is diffuse. KNOCA bring together this varied expertise to explore challenges in the design and application of Climate Assemblies and promote best practice for those organising and advocating for Climate Assemblies.

Who is involved?

KNOCA is funded by the European Climate Foundation. Professor Graham Smith, Centre for the Study of Democracy at the University of Westminster chairs the Management Committee and will provide the overall intellectual steer. The Danish Board of Technology acts as convenor and are overseeing the running of the network. The Danish Board of Technology also acts as communication lead to ensure visibility and relevance of the network and foster debate around its public inputs. Invitations are being sent to a range of organisations and individuals to join KNOCA as members. These are individuals or organizations with experience or interest in either commissioning, running or analysing Climate Assemblies processes and outputs in Europe. Membership of this network will grant you a space to share, discuss and inform best practice and new developments in climate assembly design, delivery and analysis.

How does KNOCA work?

KNOCA bring together policy makers, academics, civil society activists and others, working on either climate policy or deliberative democracy, to foster public debate on citizen participation in climate policy-making. The network will (1) collate and coordinate research on previous and ongoing climate assemblies; (2) coordinate learning from the broader experience of deliberative mini-publics and other relevant participatory processes; (3) bridge the knowledge gap between deliberative democracy and climate policy and other relevant fields of activity; (4) provide evidence-based advice to public authorities and CSOs about both the design and implementation of climate assemblies and the conditions that need to be in place for them to have an impact on political decision making and broader societal action.

Position: Co -Founder of ENGAGE,a new social venture for the promotion of volunteerism and service and Ideator of Sharing4Good

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