June 25 Webinar: Where Strategic Philanthropy Went Wrong

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Top-down philanthropy is not working. Communities have been saying this for a long time.
We are currently witnessing how philanthropy is embodying a powerful shift from being at the center of social change efforts to acting as a facilitator, connector, and learner in a larger ecosystem of actors working to create lasting, systems-level change.
Join FSG on Tuesday, June 25 from 2:00-3:00PM ET for Where Strategic Philanthropy Went Wrong, an interactive discussion on the opportunities for philanthropy to reimagine top-down models to center individuals and communities in creating their own solutions.
Drawing on themes surfaced in the recently published Stanford Social Innovation Review article, "Where Strategic Philanthropy Went Wrong," co-authored by webinar guests Mark Kramer and Steve Phillips, this discussion will reflect on the learnings and changes within the field and invite attendees to examine their own potential as agents of change.
Webinar Panelists
  • John Harper, Chief Executive Officer, FSG
  • Mark Kramer, Co-Founder and Board Chair, FSG
  • Steve Phillips, Author and Founder, Democracy in Color
Wish to join, but can't make the time? Registering means you will also receive a link to the session recording when it's available, normally within a week of the live event.
FSG co-founder and board chair Mark Kramer and Steve Phillips (Democracy in Color) recently co-authored an article in the Stanford Social Innovation Review titled, “Where Strategic Philanthropy Went Wrong.” The article presents a thoughtful critique of the ways in which strategic philanthropy has struggled to create long-term solutions to societal problems. Read the article.


Position: Co -Founder of ENGAGE,a new social venture for the promotion of volunteerism and service and Ideator of Sharing4Good