Find here the web site: http://childlabour2017.org/
The main objective of the IV Global Conference on the Sustained Eradication of Child Labour is to accelerate the pace towards the elimination of child labour, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Within the framework of the SDG, the IV Global Conference will address different topics related to child labour, forced labour and youth employment with the aim of identifying different scenarios and conditions leading, in addition to the elimination of child labour by 2025, to the elimination of forced labour by 2030 in line with target 8.7; and within this context to achieve full and productive employment and decent work for young people, in line with SDG Targets 8.5 and 8.6. The final outcome of the IV Global Conference will be a declaration (“the Buenos Aires Declaration”) to be adopted by the
During the IV Global Conference, the participants will be invited to make public voluntary pledges to carryout concrete actions, in line with the Buenos Aires Declaration. Pledges are a flexible tool that will help focus the IV Global Conference outcomes on specific actions, within their respective areas of responsibility, for instance, for Governments, to ratify relevant international instruments within a given timeframe, launch initiatives at national, sub-regional or regional level
Download the full concept note clicking here.
Find below the agenda
The Conference will be held over three days, throughout which the following nine topics will be addressed:
Policy and regulation matter, but what are the key frameworks for eliminating child labour and forced labour and how do they get effectively implemented? This panel looks at international and national regulatory frameworks and the application of these instruments at the national level through public policy and its implementation, including the role of enforcement, social dialogue, and partnerships. It will look at challenges and opportunities in adapting national regulatory frameworks to international standards, in particular human rights and labour standards, and share examples of good practices from the States and other stakeholders.
PANEL 2 - EDUCATION FOR ALL: Making the right a reality
What action is needed to ensure quality, free, public, universal education for all children and young people as well as life-long learning for adults? This is key to ending child labour and forced labour, including in rural environments. This panel will discuss how to overcome the challenges faced and will focus, in particular, on the education of girls and early childhood development. It will examine ways to ensure every child enrols and stays in school at least until the minimum age for work, the essentials of a quality, relevant curriculum and the characteristics of a safe and child-friendly school.
PANEL 3 - SUPPLY CHAINS: Getting on top of complexity
Why is the effective management of supply chains so critical to eradicating child labour and forced labour and in ensuring compliance? This panel will look at different approaches to human rights due diligence and the importance of labour inspection and labour relation systems, following the adoption of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the tripartite Resolution concerning decent work in global supply chains adopted by the 105th Session of the ILC and the ILO Declaration on Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy revised. It will discuss the value of looking for strategic partnerships and explore the role of cross-border social dialogue at sectorial level to address child labour and forced labour in supply chains.
PANEL 4 - SOCIAL PROTECTION: Successes, challenges and future trends
How to reach the most vulnerable population who does not benefit from social protection systems? It is essential to strengthen these systems and expand their coverage and outreach, in particular in the informal and rural economies. This panel will analyse some of the social protection policies and programmes that have been particularly successful in preventing and reducing child labour and forced labour. It will, however, also point out that there is no room for complacency: an examination of emerging trends shows persistent challenges.
What are the health impacts of child labour? Unsurprisingly, it has devastating consequences on children’s health and development, particularly for those involved in hazardous work. This panel will explore these impacts and examine systems that can combat and prevent hazardous child labour and ensure safe and healthy working conditions for all workers, with a particular focus on youth of legal working age.
PANEL 6 - CRISIS AND CONFLICT: Protecting the most vulnerable
What can be done to reduce the vulnerability to child labour and forced labour of people affected by fragile situations, natural disasters, armed conflict, violence and organized crime? Despite perceptions to the contrary, the situation is not hopeless. This panel will explore successful mechanisms for public policy and international and national cooperation as well as areas for further focus, including building on existing national mechanisms and bolstering collaboration and multilateral responses.
PANEL 7 - RURAL ECONOMY: Meeting the new SDG timeframes
In order to meet SDG Goal 8.7, efforts within the rural economy need to be scaled up quickly. This panel will look at the main drivers of child labour and forced labour in the rural economy and examine strategies for their eradication, including the role of the State, enterprises, and rural workers’ and small producers’ organizations in the promotion of rural and inclusive development. It will look at how decent jobs, including for youth, are created in rural areas, and examine strategies for transitioning from the informal to the formal rural economy; it will also discuss how to lift obstacles in the right to freedom of association of agricultural workers and rural workers’ organizations.
What is needed to ensure the next generation will have quality jobs and that child labour and forced labour are prevented and eliminated? This panel will explore demographic dynamics and successful policies and systems for the integration of young people into productive, quality and formal jobs. It will examine skills and knowledge gaps between present training and labour market needs and look at successful approaches to reducing youth unemployment.
PANEL 9 - EMPOWERMENT THROUGH KNOWLEDGE: Making data accessible to all
What do the new global estimates on child labour and modern slavery tell us about today’s challenge? This panel will explore recent data and research and look at the challenges this creates in the design of public policies. It will assess knowledge generation for the design of public policies and examine new tools for the production and dissemination of information and diagnosis for the elimination of child labour, forced labour, including the new global effort to build an Alliance 8.7 Knowledge Platform. It will discuss efforts to drive consistency in data production and research.
There are still 152 million children in child labour and 40 million people in modern slavery, including forced labour; in this context, this high level panel will discuss how the rapidly transforming world of work should be organized so that it responds to the values of social justice for all. How can we build more effective, global, regional, national and local coalitions to accelerate the legislative, economic and social progress needed to end child labour in all its forms by 2025 and eradicate all forced labour by 2030? How do the social partners ensure that they continue to meet their responsibilities and maintain well-functioning and effective social dialogue and labour relations systems? What sort of education and skills will the next generation need to be able to lead fulfilling and creative lives if many of them face a future with much less standard forms of employment– or with none at all? How can we ensure that improvements in education systems – as a public good in its own right – reach every child? And what more must be done to ensure not only a smooth transition from school to work, but also a successful transition from early childhood to school?
Note: The Conference will provide simultaneous interpretation and translation services for Spanish, French and English. The possibility of including such services for other languages is being assessed.
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