- Engage with experts and community leaders on how various sustainable development initiatives across the globe are creating a more just and thriving society
- Explore how the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) are being met across 13 regions and networks
- Discuss how happiness is still alive amidst a global pandemic
- Participate in the webinar
- Promote the webinar @UNSDSN and invite your colleagues
- Host a local watch party at your University or Organization
Get in touch with us to get more involved: info@unsdsn.org
Webinar Welcome
08:30 / 03:30 / 21:30 | SDSN Hong Kong (60 Min)
COVID-19, Globalization and Philanthropy
The COVID-19 pandemic represents a global health crisis. The virus quickly spread across the world, upsetting countries and people at all levels. Global human traffics human traffics and mobility, once considered a blessing of globalization, have become a curse. In this session, we will first explore how globalization may threaten global health and ironically how it may rescue the world from the COVID-19 crisis. In mitigation, the philanthropy sector plays a critical role, particularly in terms of mobilization of global resources. We will then explore how the philanthropy sector can leverage on its strength to mitigate the social impact of COVID-19 on the community.
- Professor Chi-yue Chiu, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Psychology and Dean of Social Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Mr. Leong Cheung, Executive Director, Charities and Community, The Hong Kong Jockey Club
- George Ma, SDSN Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (moderator)
09:30 / 04:30 / 22:30 | SDSN Malaysia (60 Min)
What is Happiness? A Provocative Conversation
Under what conditions do human beings experience the highest levels of happiness, life-satisfaction or subjective well- being? Can societies reconcile modernity and globalisation with minimalism and sufficiency? Are decisions on what determines our happiness better made by governments, professionals or even artificial intelligence?
SDSN-Malaysia's 1-hour online programme will draw on the insights of five distinguished experts from different disciplines and social backgrounds on the notion of happiness in an era of sustainable development. Through a series of interviews, we will examine happiness, as seen through the economic, psychological, human rights, health and anthropological lenses.
Professor WOO Wing Thye - Economics
Director, Jeffrey Sachs Center on Sustainable Development, Sunway University
Ms Jacqueline Ann SURIN- Human Rights
Online Facilitator, Web Events That Connect
Assoc Prof Zubaidah Jamil OSMAN- Psychology
Associate Professor, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Cyberjaya
Dr KHOR Swee Kheng- Health
Founder, Malaysian Health Coalition
Dr Vilashini SOMIAH - Anthropology
Senior Lecturer of Gender Studies, University of Malaya
10:30 / 06:00 / 00:00 | SDSN Southeast Asia (120 Min)
Sustainable Lifestyle: Saving the Earth begins with Saving Yourself
This session will explore how small changes in our daily lives can have a large impact on our emissions, sustainability and happiness.
All fundamental changes must start from yourself. This becomes very relevant when we talk about tackling climate change and reducing emissions. In the journal Environmental Research Letters, a study from the Swedish Lund University found that changes in the lifestyle of individuals can play a major role in preventing 2 degrees Celsius climate warming.
A few important lifestyle choices to reduce one's carbon footprint are: eating plant foods, avoiding air travel, living car-free, and shopping more wisely. A small change in our daily life, when done by many people, will bring about big changes to the world. Saving the earth starts with saving ourselves, mind, body, and soul. Maintaining a healthy body and soul will build a healthy relationship with nature, humans and their spirituality. This healthy relationship will preserve the preservation and harmony of nature and fellow humans on earth.
- Helga Angelina, Co-founder of Burgreens
- Halim Jiang, Co-founder, Rai Institute Center for Fitness Excellence
- Andien Aisyah, Co-Founder Sanggar Jiwa Bertumbuh
- Isa Ruddin (moderator)
12:00 / 07:00 / 01:00 | SDSN Indonesia (15 Min)
Securing Mental Health and Well-being in Indonesia
For the first time, mental health has become one of the priorities in global development. UN Sustainable Development Goal #3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages includes target 3.4, "By 2030, reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being".
We cannot discuss happiness without a conversation about mental wellbeing. According to the WHO definition, "mental health is a state of which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. "
In this session you will learn more about mental health through an event moderated by @sehatjiwa.id (SDSN Indonesia Youth member, United in Diversity's Youth Action Forum alumni).
- Dr. Imelda Ika D.O., M.Psi, (Clinical Psychologist & Lecturer at Universitas Indonesia)
- Dr. Lina Regina M., Sp.K.KJ (Psychiatrist & Head of Mental Health Sub-Directory, Indonesia Ministry of Health)
- Alfonsus Bayu D., S.Psi (@IntoTheLightID, Suicide Prevention Community)
Let's break the stigma and achieve SDG 3!
12:15 / 07:15 / 01:15 | SDSN Philippines (15 Min)
Sustainable Solutions Forum
The SDSN Philippine 15- minute presentation consists of video clips from the SDSN Philippines Development Solutions Forum organized last February 17, 2020, at the Ateneo de Manila University. Various models and solutions on sustainable development, including those related to climate change and disaster relief, sustainable transport, sustainable agriculture and access to water are presented in the video, were made by various universities, civil society and private sector groups.
Presenters include:
- Dr. Delia Senoro of the Mapua University, Manila
- Mr. Ian Jason Hecitaof the De La Salle University, Manila
- Dr. Randy Tuano, country manager of the SDSN Philippines, and the Ateneo de Manila University
- Dr. Ernesto Ordonez, coordinator of the Alyansa Agrikultura
- Bro. Armin Luistro, FSC, of the De La Salle Philippines and president of the Philippine Business for Social Progress
12:30 / 07:30 / 01:30 | Moment of Music (30 Min)
Afghanistan Peace Process: Role of Women – Opportunities & Challenges
Since the collapse of the Taliban in 2002, and as a result of the international community’s presence in Afghanistan, women and girls have played a growing and tangible roles in education, health care, political participation, economic opportunities – narrowing the gender parity in Afghan society. Now, the probable integration of the Taliban within the Afghan political system has raised the fear that peace in Afghanistan may come at the cost of re-marginalizing the women from the social and economic spheres of the Afghan society. For further elaboration of this critical issue, the panellists in the planned Webinar will shed light on the relationship between the SDG5, SDG16, and Happiness in the context of Afghanistan. Further, they will discuss minimizing the risk of the trade-off between SDG16 (Peace) and SDG5 (Gender Equality) from the perspectives of government, human rights, international best practices, and role of international organizations.
- Ms. Jamila Afghani - Executive Director at Medica Afghanistan
- Ms. Zarqa Yaftali - Director at WCLR
- Ms. Fiona Gall - Director at ACBAR
- Dr. Mohammad Musa Jafari- Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at Kateb University
- Ali Juma Taqavi, Program Analyst, SDSN Afghanistan, Kateb University (moderator)
14:00 / 09:00 / 03:00 | SDSN TReNDS (60 Min)
Monitoring health and wellbeing: Strengthening systems in a time of COVID19
The COVID epidemic is exposing the inadequacies of health monitoring systems around the world. Administrative data from hospitals, civil registration and vital statistics, and population datasets are patchy at best in many countries, particularly in the Global South. During this session we will discuss the current state of health and wellbeing datasets around the world and the imperative for investment and innovation if we are to equip all countries to monitor health outcomes, particularly at this time of crisis.
- Irina Dincu, International Development Research Center
- Professor Andy Tatem, Director, World Pop Project, Professor, University of Southampton
- Jess Espey, Director, SDSN TReNDS (moderator)
15:00 / 10:00 / 04:00 | SDSN Greece (90 Min)
An Evaluation of some Nigerians' perceptions of Happiness
Happiness has been observed to be subjective in meaning to different persons across the world. A former Prime Minister of Bhutan, Mr. Jigme Thinley adopted gross national happiness instead of gross domestic product as the country’s main development indicator. The first World Happiness Report outlined the state of world happiness, causes of happiness and misery, and policy implications. A question was raised in the 2017 edition as to whether the annual report truly reflected life evaluations in Africa. This question arose because measures of subjective well-being had previously ranked Nigeria as the happiest country in the world. The SDSN Nigeria, therefore, deemed it fit to seek what happiness means to various Nigerians.
During our session, at the Webinar of Happiness, we will be exploring what happiness means, the contextual meaning to Nigerians, examples of how it can lead to fulfillment and how to stimulate happiness nationally-the case of Nigeria. After the pre-recorded video, we will listen to interventions from both Network Co-Chairs, a representative from SDSN Youth, as well as the SDSN Nigeria Secretariat.
- Prof. Olaniyan, Director Centre for Sustainable Development, University of Ibadan
- Prof. Labode Popoola, Director, SDSN Nigeria
- Prof. (Mrs.) Ngozi Ifeoma Odiaka, Co-Director, SDSN Nigeria
- Prof. (Mrs.) Grace Adejuwon, Department of Psychology, Faculty of the Social Sciences, University of Ibadan
- Dr. Thaddeus Chidi Nzeadibe, Department of Geography, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka
- Mr. Mutiu Ambali, Network Youth Co-ordinator, SDSN Nigeria
- Ms. Oreoluwa Olowe, Intern, SDSN Nigeria
- Mr. Femi Gabriel Oyeniyi, Network Manager, SDSN Nigeri
17:30 / 12:30 / 06:30 | SDSN Northern Europe (90 Min)
Segment #1: Get started with the SDGs - use the SDG Impact Assessment Tool
During this session, we will present the SDG Impact Assessment Tool. This is an free, online resource for making self-assessments of impacts from activities and organizations on the Sustainable Development Goals. The tool can help you to take on the SDGs in a simple and structured approach and identify relevant sustainability perspectives on specific projects.
- Martin Eriksson, Chalmers University of Technology
Segment #2: The Climate Framework - how to work strategically with climate issues between organisations
Higher education institutions (HEIs) have a central role to combat climate change. We have an important task to contribute through our teaching and research, but we also need to contribute by reducing the impact of our own operations. 37 HEIs have signed this framework and all consider the climate to be a crucial and prioritised issue. We undertake to do the following:
- through education, research and external engagement help society as a whole to achieve set targets.
- reduce our own climate impact in line with society’s commitment as expressed in national and international agreements.
- Maria Djupström, Chalmers University of Technology
- Kristina von Oelreich, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Segment #3: Sustainable Development from the Nordic Perspective - A Panel Discussion
Before the Corona and Covid-19 crisis, the SDSN Northern Europe planned to arrange a member conference. After we realized that his crisis meant that we couldn’t arrange a face-to-face conference, we quickly took our ambitions online and arranged an online member conference. This session broadcast the panel discussion from that online conference. The panellists discussed topics like the Global Sustainable Development Report and the paper Six Transformations to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, how academics can support the Science-Policy Interface, how education in Sustainable Development can be organized, how academics can collaborate with businesses and spillover effects from the Nordic countries.
- Martin Eriksson, Chalmers University of Technology
- Jan Pettersson, University of Gothenburg, SDSN Northern Europe Network Co-Chair
- Katherine Richardson, University of Copenhagen, SDSN Northern Europe Network Co-Chair
- Annik Magerholm Fet, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- Kaisa Korhonen-Kurki, University of Helsinki
19:00 / 14:00 / 08:00 | World Happiness Report Partners and Business Community (60 Min)
Richard Curtis, Screenwriter, Producer, and Film Director
20:10 / 15:10 / 09:10 | SDSN Turkey (15 Min)
Highlevel Guest Remarks: Mr. Mustafa Seçkin, CEO of Unilever Turkey, Central Asia and Iran
Questions to be addressed:
Is it possible to ensure happiness without ensuring sustainable agriculture and food systems?
What are the key challenges to food security?
What are the solutions of Unilever to ensure sustainable agriculture, food security and happiness?
20:30 / 15:30 / 09:30 | SDSN's Thematic Network on Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems (90 Min)
A living income for cocoa farmers
Cocoa, the food of the gods (Theobroma cacao). It brings happiness to many of us, but not to the farmers who grow it. Many of them live in poverty or even below the poverty line, which means they cannot earn a sufficient income to meet their basic needs. A living income would enable cocoa farmers to send their children to school, have proper housing and eat nutritious meals. In this webinar, we want to discuss strategies that would enable a living income for cocoa farmers. This is not as simple as merely raising prices, it is also about improving yields, diversification and creating alternative livelihoods. To achieve this, action is needed not only from farmers, but also from the private sector, NGOs and governments. So please join us in this webinar to learn how you can contribute to a living income for cocoa farmers.
- Yuca Waarts
- Faustina Obeng Adomaa
- Urcil Kenfack Essougong
- Niek Koning
- Jonas Mva Mva, IDH
- Verina Ingram
- Ken Giller, SDSN / WUR, (Moderator)
All speakers are from Wageningen University & Research unless otherwise noted
22:00 / 17:00 / 11:00 | SDSN Italy (60 Min) - IN ITALIAN
Happy Cities: Strategies and applications in pursuit of urban wellbeing
The pursuit of happiness is the ultimate goal of man throughout the development of Western culture. Since ancient times, Aristotle spoke about these elements of the city and its regime that offer suitable conditions for its citizens to be happy. Today, growing concerns about the spread of mental illness in the Western world have led to the development of a variety of theories about the pursuit of a better quality of life in developed cities.From this reflection, the term “Happy Cities” has emerged, a term that investigates our understanding of happiness, and its possible connection with the urban planning and environmental characteristics of a city. The interpretations of happiness that have been rendered till the present day, along with recent developments in psychological and social research, comprise the core of this research. Subsequently, a novel combination of urban design, and urban planning values is proposed, with the aim of the creation of a series of tools that promote social wellbeing in modern urban life.
Moderator: Charis Stavridis, Co-Manager SDSN Black Sea
Speaker:Savvas Stroumpas, Undergraduate Student
23:30 / 18:30 / 12:30 | Celebrity Spotlight (20 Min)
Rick Ridgeway, Patagonia's Vice President of Environmental Initiatives
Dr. Muhammad Yunus, Founder of Grameen Bank and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize
23:50 / 18:50 / 12:50 | The SDG Academy (60 Min)
Happy Learning! Education for a Sustainable and Happy World
According to the World Happiness Report, there is a strong correlation between achieving sustainable development and self-reported measures of wellbeing. Moreover, generosity, trust, and a strong sense of community are equally important as income when it comes to happiness—how, then, do we teach the values, knowledge, and skills needed to achieve sustainable development and, therefore, happiness?
Join this session and hear from experts in the field of and education for sustainable development (ESD) to learn how education is a key enabler to prepare this generation and the next to create a sustainable and happier world for all.
This session will explore the following topics:
- How ESD relates to happiness
- The importance of ESD in the context of COVID-19
- Opportunities and challenges of using technology
- Localization and contextualization
- The future of ESD
- Florencia Librizzi, SDG Academy (Moderator)
- Mr. Alexander Leicht, Chief of the Section of Education for Sustainable Development, UNESCO
- Ms. Monika Froehler, CEO of the Ban Ki-Moon Centre for Global Citizens
- Dr. Oren Pizmony-Levy, Associate Professor of International and Comparative Education & Director of the Center for Sustainable Futures, Teachers College, Columbia University
24:50 / 19:50 / 13:50 | Celebrity Spotlight (10 Min)
Bill McKibben, Senior Advisor and Co-Founder, 350.org
01:00 / 20:00 / 14:00 | Earth Day Network (30 Min)
Earth Day Network: The Campus Climate Project
The MobilizeU Team of Earth Day Network will offer a history of Earth Day since its inception in 1970, with a specific focus on how colleges and universities have played a major role. This year, higher education is taking a deep reflection on the role of universities in the climate fight, and if they are doing enough to prepare their students to enter this fight post-graduation. Our next generation of leaders, no matter their discipline, all need to be climate and environmentally literate in order to address complex global problems, such as climate change. Finally, we will provide some of the best ways students and others can get engaged this Earth Day, the 50th anniversary, including contributing to The Campus Climate Project!
- Sam Hunt, MobilizeU Campaign Manager
- Evan Raskin, MobilizeU Campaign Coordinator
01:30 / 20:30 / 14:30 | SDSN Amazonia (60 Min)
Living Well: A Proposal for Collective and Sustainable Happiness
Based on the research that supported the doctoral thesis entitled “From Happiness to Baniwa Living Well: from theory to the practice of sustainability”, the sociologist Alíria Noronha will address the indigenous perspective of Well Living as an instrument of collective happiness. Because it is collective and prioritizes the common good, the philosophy of Living well presents itself as an alternative of life more sustainable than the happiness of the western world, which is based on the reach of individual desires. Based on learning from indigenous peoples, the lecture offers suggestions on how we can make the right choices to be happier and promote the happiness of others in our daily lives.
- Aliria Noronha, Professor, Nilton Lins University
- C arolina Ramirez, Manager, SDSN Amazonia (Moderator)
02:30 / 21:30 / 15:30 | SDSN Amazonia (60 Min)
Sustainable and Novel Solutions for the Amazon Region
SDSN Amazonia launched a regional call last year to identify and award the best sustainable solutions from their member organizations. More than 20 initiatives participated to represent the network at the Global Solutions Forum in New York. The three best sustainable solutions for the Amazon region were:
- Karina Pinasco | Gastronomy with Sustainable Flavour | Amazonias for the Amazon (AMPA), Peru
- Mariano Cenamo | Incubation and Acceleration Program for Amazonian Entrepreneurs | Partnership Platform for the Amazon (PPA), Brazil
- Hermógenes J. Sá de Oliveira| Meliponiculture Social Technology for Traditional Peoples and Communities in the Amazon | Peabiru Institute, Brazil
In this session, you will learn more about these solutions and can share your ideas with the panelists.
03:30 / 22:30 / 16:30 | SDSN Andes (120 Min) -IN SPANISH
Urban Farming for Sustainable Development
Join us for a Q&A with Anastasia Cole Plakias, Co-Founder and COO of the Brooklyn Grange farm. Anastasia will be discussing how we, as actors in a community, can create opportunities at the local level that work towards our overall wellbeing. As co-founder and COO of the Brooklyn Grange, Anastasia has a unique point of view on decent work and wellbeing, responsible consumption and production and managing successful partnerships. During this session, we will highlight the role that the Brooklyn Grange plays in community development as a meeting place for like-minded individuals who want to increase their knowledge of ecology and sustainable food systems through events and education. We will also explore the importance of creating decent jobs for everyone and how everyone deserves access to nutritious (and tasty!) food. Additionally, we will also dive into how the Brooklyn Grange is pioneering the way for a more sustainable New York City, one urban farm at a time.
Since its inception, The Brooklyn Grange has been an example of what it means to be a powerful driver of positive change, and understands the importance of creating a community where people support one another and develop valuable relationships.
*Session will be moderated by Mayra Bravo, Solutions Project Lead, SDSN Youth and
Q&A by Sushil Rajagopalan, Solutions Project Officer, SDSN Youth
06:30 / 01:30 / 19:30 Celebrity Spotlight (15 Min)
Human Rights and Incarceration during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Kerry Kennedy, American human rights activist and writer
06:45 / 01:45 / 19:45 | SDSN USA (75 Min)
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