The Global Peace Index 2024 reveals that the world is at a crossroads. Without concerted effort, there is a risk of a surge in major conflicts. There are currently 56 conflicts, the most since World War II. They have become more international with 92 countries involved in conflicts outside their borders, the most since the GPI’s inception. The rising number of minor conflicts increases the likelihood of more major conflicts in the future. For example, in 2019, Ethiopia, Ukraine, and Gaza were all identified as minor conflicts.
Key results
• 97 countries deteriorated in peacefulness, more than any year since the inception of the Global Peace Index in 2008.
• Conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine were the primary drivers of the global fall in peacefulness, as battle deaths reached 162,000 in 2023.
• 92 countries are currently involved in conflicts beyond their borders, more than at any time since the inception of the GPI.
• First of its kind military scoring system suggests that US military capabilities are up to three times higher than China.
• The global economic impact of violence increased to $19.1 trillion in 2023, representing 13.5% of global GDP. Exposure to conflict poses a significant supply chain risk for governments and businesses.
• Militarisation recorded its largest yearly deterioration since the inception of the GPI, with 108 countries becoming more militarised.
• 110 million people are either refugees or internally displaced due to violent conflict, with 16 countries now hosting more than half a million refugees.
• North America saw the largest regional deterioration, driven by increases in violent crime and fear of violence.
Last year recorded 162,000 conflict related deaths. This was the second highest toll in the past 30 years, with the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza accounting for nearly three-quarters of deaths. Ukraine represented more than half, recording 83,000 conflict deaths, with estimates of at least 33,000 for Palestine up to April 2024. In the first four months of 2024, conflict related deaths globally amounted to 47,000. If the same rate continues for the rest of this year, it would be the highest number of conflict deaths since the Rwandan genocide in 1994.