Concept Note here: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000383697
Furum's Web Site: https://www.unesco.org/en/forum-against-racism-discrimination
The second edition of the Global Forum against Racism and Discrimination - The Road towards a Rights-based Recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic - will be held in Mexico City, Mexico, on 28-29 November 2022.
In response to the continued urgency of addressing racism and discrimination in societies, this Global Forum will aim to directly address the adverse impact that racism and discrimination have had on the most vulnerable populations in the context of the global pandemic.
Round tables will be focusing on various topics such as
- building the UNESCO Roadmap against racism and discrimination;
- setting up effective antiracism and antidiscrimination frameworks;
- protecting human rights;
- redressing challenges faced by vulnerable populations, people of African descent and Asian origin in the context of COVID;
- advancing gender equality;
- bolstering the roles of cities, civic spaces, artistic and academic communities; and
- mobilizing resources to upscale global efforts against racism and discrimination.
High-level representatives from governments, mayors from the International Coalition of Inclusive and Sustainable Cities – ICCAR, public policy experts, academia, scientists, civil society actors, NGOs, artists and creatives, the private sector and media will exchange ideas and recommendations.
The Global Forum will also provide a forward-looking direction by giving the opportunity for policy makers and different stakeholders to reflect on experiences and lessons learned, share promising practices, data, and studies, develop new knowledge, find synergies for future collaboration and strategize on the best ways forward.
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