The Sport for One Humanity initiative was established by Turkish Airlines with the support of the UNAOC to honour the efforts of civil society organisations (CSOs) who contribute to peace and development and other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through sport. The program’s main objective is to select and support innovative sports-based projects that promote a culture of peace, mutual understanding, and cooperation among diverse communities and cultures around the world, with a priority on projects that embody the SDGs of diversity and inclusiveness, education and empowerment of youth, empowerment of women and girls, the inclusion of persons with disabilities and vulnerable groups and fostering peaceful and inclusive societies.
The grant provides instruction and education on capacity building through online training sessions, mentoring, and face-to-face workshops based on the recipient’s unique needs. From among 600 plus entries coming from 83 countries, ten were selected, including FFH’s Stop the Online Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children (StopOSAEC).
The other organisations and their notable projects are:
- Golden Boots (Uganda): The Sport for Protection Project (STOP)
- Football for All Vietnam (Vietnam): The Football for All in Vietnam
- Open Field (Cameroon): Sports as a Community Opportunity to Respond and Engage (S.C.O.R.E)
- Education for Sharing (Mexico): Sports for Sharing (S4S)
- College of Youth Activism and Development (Pakistan): The Baluchistan Indigenous Games Restoration and Standardization Project
- Jordan Youth Innovation Forum (Jordan): Youth-led Street Sports For All
- Dream a Dream (India): After School Life Skills Programme
- Together Advancing Common Trust-Skopje (North Macedonia): Balkanplay4inclusion
- Angaza Sports and Development Centre (Kenya): The Play for Peace project.
In a side session, the ten recipients were called onstage to say a few words regarding their program in the presence of the High Representative for UNAOC, Mr Miguel Moratinos, Laura Georges, Secretary General of the French Football Federation, Christian Karembeu, former professional footballer for Real Madrid and currently the sporting director for Olympiacos, Ms Ramata Almamy Mbaye, Director of the Human and Social Sciences Sector, Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), Mr Victor Ochen, Founder and Executive Director, African Youth Initiative Network, and Ms Rowena Samarasinhe, Managing Director, GENSport, among several other UN dignitaries and officials attending the 9th Global Forum in Morocco: unaoc.org/sportforonehumanity.