Building Forward Fairer: Economic Policies for an Inclusive Recovery and Development
The 2022 Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific, ESCAP’s flagship publication, draws attention to how macroeconomic and structural policies can tackle inequality. Such focus finds much relevance at this post-pandemic time when the Asia-Pacific region is experiencing a still nascent recovery that is also quite uneven (between and within countries) and with vulnerable sectors most disproportionately affected. The 2022 Survey recommends a three-pronged policy agenda aimed at shaping an inclusive economy in Asia and the Pacific. First, through “smart” fiscal policies that can improve the overall efficiency and impact of public spending and revenue collection. Second, through monetary policy more geared towards promoting inclusive development. And third, through structural reform policies generating more inclusive outcomes.
The policy dialogue will highlight the 2022 Survey outcomes, especially in relation to East and North-East Asia subregion. In addition, the sharing of perspectives from member States in the subregion will aim to further contextualize how the three-pronged agenda on fiscal, monetary, and structural reform policies could foster inclusive recovery and development. The role of subregional cooperation to amplify national efforts in building forward fairer will also be given focus.
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