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'Death Penalty in Asia: Law and Practice' Online Conference (unimelb.edu.au)
In that context, an online conference titled “Death Penalty in Asia: Law and Practice” will be hosted on 18th and 19th February 2021 by:
- Asian Law Centre, Melbourne Law School, The University of Melbourne
- School of Law, Vietnam National University Hanoi
- Anti-Death Penalty Asia Network (ADPAN)
- Graduate Academy of Social Sciences, Vietnam
The themes of the online conference will include:
- Asia: Overview of Challenges relating to the Death Penalty (including wrongful conviction, racial bias)
- Asia: Attitudinal Work relating to the Death Penalty (including public opinion)
- Broader Social Impact of the Death Penalty (including family, stigma, retribution for victims’ families)
- Drugs and the Death Penalty
- Clemency across Asia
- Lethal Injection and Diplomacy
- Mental Health and the Death Penalty
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