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Dear family away from family


I'm a bit apprehensive about  putting my own feelings out in the open for the year gone by.  2015 was full of surprises for me, surprises that were on the outset, not in a beautifully wrapped present with a cute pink bow. The surprises scared me and made me doubt my ability in every possible way. However, as I unwrapped the surprise gifted to me, I realized that one may not get what they want but sometimes what one gets is what you need. I needed to get out of my comfort zone of an office that I called my home for five years ; I needed to push my envelope and prove my self in a new surrounding. I needed to leave the nest ans fly, for till you leave the nest, soaring in the sky is but a dream. And this is exactly what 2015 threw at me. Challenges that apparently disbalanced  my carefully craved  equilibrium. I prayed for continuity and I was given a fresh start ; I prayed for peace and I was thrown amidst a sea of chaos. 


I am grateful to each one of you for being there for me all these months when the newness of the situation overwhelmed me. The constant running around and the understanding of complicated processes and procedures would not have been there if every single one of you would not have offered me your unflinching support voluntarily.  Monday blues were gradually transformed into Monday rainbow of good mornings and welcoming smiles. The thought of being the only one in the project and envying the other projects gave way to an understanding that I'm a part of a big team that is ever ready to help each other.


 I feel utterly blessed with this acceptance of you all of  a hyperactive woman who is a compulsive worrier and the words "calm and composed " are conspicuous by their absence in her life. A heartfelt thank you to all of you for making my 2015 a very special one.


Happy New Year :)




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