Find here the link with all the information on the Feminist International Assistance Policy: http://international.gc.ca/world-monde/issues_development-enjeux_develop...
Here an explanation of financial boost in the initiative:
Part 2: Canada and the World
Advancing Gender Equality Around the World
Canada recognizes the importance of investing in ways that can help those in need around the world. In June 2017, the Government released its Feminist International Assistance Policy, focusing on six interlinked areas: gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, human dignity, peace and security, inclusive governance, environment and climate action, and growth that works for everyone.
Figure 4.1 Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy
To strengthen the impact of Canada’s new Feminist International Assistance Policy, and advance our international leadership in key areas, the Government proposes to provide an additional $2 billion over five years, starting in 2018–19, to the International Assistance Envelope. These new resources will be dedicated to support humanitarian assistance and Canada’s core development priorities, in particular supporting women and girls, and will reinforce Canada’s commitment to reduce poverty and to do its part to support a more inclusive, peaceful and prosperous world. Further details on the allocation of this funding will be announced in the coming year.
Canada’s new Feminist International Assistance Policy represents a turning point for the Government’s approach to international assistance. Through it, Canada has made clear its commitment to contribute to eradicating poverty and building a more peaceful, inclusive and prosperous world. In support of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Feminist International Assistance Policy puts women and girls at the centre of its plan as agents of positive change for their families, communities and countries. Gender equality will be a focus of all of Canada’s international assistance investments to address economic, political and social inequalities that prevent individuals from reaching their full potential.
- $180 million over three years for the Global Partnership for Education to support girls’ education and help strengthen education systems in developing countries.
- $15 million over four years to Marie Stopes Tanzania to provide girls and women with improved access to family planning information and services.
- The launch of the Elsie Initiative on Women in Peace Operations, which includes:
- $6 million to designated United Nations missions to improve their ability to support and benefit women’s increased participation in peace operations.
- $15 million to launch a global fund to support the deployment of women peacekeepers.
To advance gender equality around the world, the Government will:
- Champion the voice and participation of women and girls, including supporting local women’s organizations to defend women’s rights and address barriers.
- Ensure that Canada’s assistance integrates and targets gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.
- Support the full spectrum of health programming, including comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights.
- Address climate change and mitigate its impacts by investing in renewable energy and environmental practices that support healthy, resilient and adaptive communities.
- Focus on growth that works for everyone by helping to increase women’s economic participation.
- Ensure institutions, policies and processes are more accessible and responsive to the poorest and most vulnerable, including women and girls.
- Pursue a gender-responsive approach during humanitarian crises to better respond to the unique needs of women and girls.
- Support inclusive approaches to building sustainable peace and security by helping women to participate in resolving conflicts and political crises, and by ensuring that responses to transnational threats account for and meet the needs of women and girls.
The Government will track and report on progress to Canadians based on a clear framework with targets for action and indicators for results, aligned with the 17 goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Feminist International Assistance Policy establishes baselines and sets clear targets to:
- Shift its programming with no gender equality focus from 30 per cent to 5 per cent to ensure that at least 95 per cent of Canada’s bilateral international development assistance will either target or integrate gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls by 2021–22.
- Strengthen its focus on sexual and reproductive health and rights by doubling its commitment to $650 million over the next three years.
- Target the poorest and most vulnerable by boosting bilateral assistance to Sub-Saharan African countries from 46 to 50 per cent by 2021–22.
Figure 4.2: The Policy Shifts the Priorities of Canada’s
Development Assistance as follows:
Additional Support for the Feminist International Assistance Policy
Taking more innovative approaches to international assistance will also be an essential part of Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy. In addition to the new international assistance resources announced in Budget 2018, the Government proposes to provide $1.5 billion over five years, starting in 2018–19, on a cash basis ($553 million on an accrual basis), and $492.7 million per year thereafter, from existing unallocated International Assistance Envelope resources, to support innovation in Canada’s international assistance through the following two new programs:
- The International Assistance Innovation Program. This program will give the Government greater flexibility for financing arrangements and partnerships and ensure Canada remains at the leading edge of development financing. The Government proposes to commit $873.4 million over five years on a cash basis, and $290.5 million per year thereafter, for this new program.
- The Sovereign Loans Program. This pilot program will diversify the tools Canada has to engage partner countries and international development organizations. It will also better align Canada’s international assistance toolkit with that of other donors. The Government proposes to commit up to $626.6 million over five years on a cash basis, and up to $202.2 million per year thereafter, for the Sovereign Loans Program.
These measures will complement existing core international assistance activities, and will increase the impact of Canada’s international assistance by allowing the Government to explore new and innovative ways to engage internationally, including exploring the use of guarantees, equity and conditionally repayable contributions. These new measures are expected to double Canada’s international assistance provided through innovative tools over the next five years. The Government proposes to introduce any necessary legislative measures to enable Global Affairs Canada to carry out these new programs.
Protecting Vulnerable Women and Girls
Half of the world’s 22.5 million refugee population is made up of women and girls, making this population a significant segment of those fleeing war, violence or persecution in their home countries. Refugee women and girls face increased risks due to their gender, and are at risk of, or have suffered from, sexual violence and exploitation, physical abuse and marginalization.
Since 2015, Canada has demonstrated global leadership in providing protection to the world’s most vulnerable refugees. As of January 2017, more than 40,000 Syrian refugees were welcomed in Canada, where they have built new lives for themselves and their families. In addition, Budget 2017 announced funding of $27.7 million over three years, beginning in 2017–18, to resettle Yazidi women and girls, who were being targeted for abduction and enslavement by Daesh fighters in northern Iraq and Syria.
Building on these efforts, the Government commits to increase the number of vulnerable refugee women and girls to be resettled in Canada as government-assisted refugees. Specifically, Budget 2018 proposes funding of $20.3 million over five years, beginning in 2018–19, to welcome an extra 1,000 refugee women and girls from various conflict zones around the world. Providing additional support to this particularly vulnerable group will allow Canada to continue to show global leadership in helping the world’s most at-risk people.
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