The theme of the Forum is "Technology Start-ups for Sustainable Development" in recognition of technology being a key means of implementation for the Sustainable Development Goals. The Forum will be an opportunity to showcase the most innovative technology start-up initiatives, discover frontier technological advancements from across the Asia-Pacific region and beyond, and develop partnerships with other member States so that the countries in the region can move forward together to face great opportunities and challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
The Forum will be relevant to technology start-ups addressing sustainable development challenges, policymakers working on technology start-up strategies, leaders of technology parks, and public and private institutions investing in and supporting technology start-up development.
Technology has been highlighted as a key means of implementation for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In recognition of this, in 2016, ESCAP member States passed a resolution titled "Harnessing science, technology and innovation (STI) for inclusive and sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific"; inviting member States "to work further on convening a biennial Asia-Pacific Innovation Forum (APIF), as a means to enhance and facilitate knowledge-sharing and collaboration among member States, the United Nations system and relevant stakeholders as appropriate".
ESCAP and the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran (hereinafter referred to as Iran) have recently stepped up collaboration on technology and innovation. In this context, a representative of the Office of the Vice-Presidency for Science and Technology, Iran, was nominated to chair ESCAP's intergovernmental Committee on ICT and STI. At the Committee meeting, Iran offered to host the inaugural APIF, in June 2019.
The theme of the first ever APIF will be "Technology Start-ups for Sustainable Development" in recognition of technology being a key means of implementation for the SDGs.
It is proposed that APIF includes the following sessions and activities:
1. Ministerial-level opening. 2. Launch of "Asia-Pacific Technology Start-ups Network" (an online technology collaboration platform). 3. Innovation showcases shining a light on emerging technology start-ups addressing the SDGs. 4. Policy session focusing on government efforts to support technology start-ups. 5. Session on the role of technology parks, accelerators and incubators in supporting start-ups. 6. Session on the D-8 Technology Transfer and Exchange Network (TTEN). TTEN is an international network to develop technology cooperation among the Eight
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Developing Muslim countries including Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan and Turkey. More information is available on www.d8tten.org. 7. Session on investing in technology start-ups (INOTEX Pitch), an event which combines start-up challenge and investment programs. Start-ups will be selected and invited to INOTEX, to compete in presence of investors. 8. Frontier technology session to discuss the impact of Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies on sustainable development. 9. Women and innovation session to discuss scaling up number of women and their influence in technology innovation related policymaking. 10. Grassroots innovation session to discuss how governments can support innovation from the very poorest and rural communities. 11. Inspirational speaker talks. 12. Working-level meetings to agree a Declaration on technology start-ups for sustainable development. 13. Field visits to technology companies and facilities in Tehran.
It is proposed that the sessions take place over 2 days with half a day for field visits around Tehran.
The aim of APIF is to:
1. Showcase the most innovative technology start-up for sustainable development initiatives from the Asia-Pacific and beyond. 2. Share knowledge on frontier technological advancements from across the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. 3. Develop partnerships with countries from across the region so that we can move forward together as we enter the fourth Industrial Revolution.
The key proposed outcomes of APIF are:
1. A Declaration to support technology start-ups for sustainable development. 2. Launch of the Asia-Pacific Technology Start-ups Network. 3. Additional member States commit to join the D-8 Technology Transfer and Exchange Network (TTEN). 4. Greater knowledge of innovative technology start-up initiatives and frontier technological advancements from across the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. 5. Partnerships and collaborations initiated with countries from across the region.
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INOTEX, a special opportunity
In conjunction with the Forum, the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology of the Islamic Republic of Iran will organize the 8th International Innovation and Technology Exhibition (INOTEX 2019), which engages all key players of technology and innovation ecosystem from different countries through activities such as networking, matchmaking, investment, etc. Participants can benefit from the exhibitions and events of the INOTEX 2019. Further information on INOTEX can be found on its official website: www.inotex.com. This event can be a special opportunity to facilitate collaborations between Iranian and foreign companies/start-ups and benefit from their presence in IRAN.
Here are some opportunities, which is bring for all exhibitors from ESCAP member countries: • Free of charge services including: Hotel accommodation (for limited number of attendees); Transportation between hotel and exhibition venue; Attendance in all INOTEX events and booking for B2B rooms; Attendance in “INOTEX Reverse Pitch” in order to showcasing technology requests; Participation at INOTEX banquet (INONight) • 50% discount for booking “Technology Presentation” hall in INOTEX; • 20% discount for taking booth in exhibition; • Possibility of free membership in Pardis Technology Park (PTP) in case of joint venture with other entities (from ESCAP countries): ✓ 1 year free of charge work office (up to 100 square meters); ✓ 20 years Tax Exemption; ✓ Work permission for foreign staff in PTP. • Cultural tour in Tehran and visiting IRAN Innovation Ecosystem
Ministerial-level representation will be sought and governments will be encouraged to nominate a delegation that draws from across relevant government entities. The Forum will be relevant to technology start-ups addressing sustainable development challenges, policymakers working on technology start-up strategies, leaders of technology parks, and public and private institutions investing in and supporting technology start-up development.
The ESCAP Secretariat will cover airfare for a relevant Minister/Representative if necessary and appropriate, but encourage broader and wider representation on a self-paid basis. The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran will cover local transport, meals and hotel accommodation; as well as costs relating to hosting the event itself.
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