What is the Global Expression Report?
Since 2020, the GxR metric (which underpins the report) has enabled us to track freedom of expression across 161 countries, using 25 indicators, to create a score between 0 and 100 for every country. This score places each country in an expression category: Open, Less Restricted, Restricted, Highly Restricted, or Crisis.
The GxR team produces annual and periodic analyses based on the annual release of data by the Varieties of Democracy Institute (V-Dem). The V-Dem dataset is the world’s most authoritative data resource for examining the health of democracies around the world.
Around the globe, 80% of us – that’s more than 6 billion people – are living with less freedom of expression than we had a decade ago. Explore the findings, compare country rankings, and use our data to make the case for positive change.
Far more people are experiencing increases in repression than decreases. This is true over all our key periods: 1, 5, and 10 years.
• In the last year, 363 million people across 12 countries experienced declines in their freedom of expression, while 165 million people across 7 countries saw advances.
• In the last 5 years, 4.7 billion across 51 countries experienced declines in their freedom of expression, while only 673 million people in 25 countries saw advances.
• In the last 10 years, 6.3 billion people across 81 countries experienced declines in their freedom of expression, while 452 million people in 21 countries saw advances.
There are more countries in which freedoms are in decline than countries seeing rises in expression. What’s more, the countries in decline contain many more people than countries in advance, which tend to have much smaller populations. 95% of countries that advanced in the last decade had populations of under 50 million people, while only 74% of countries that declined over the same period had populations of that size.
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