The Call
This call is aimed at both researchers and practitioners to present abstracts (100 > 200 words) for consideration to form part of the First Southeast Asian Social Innovation Network Conference to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 8th and 9th October 2018.
Abstracts may include: research results, case studies and/or presentations based on experiences gained through practice and decision-making in social innovation or any other form of proposal.
Abstracts should be in Word document (Font: Times New Roman 12).
Successful applicants will be invited to write an extended abstract (max. 1000 words)
to be presented at one of the main sessions of the conference in the form of a power point presentation. They may also be invited to contribute to a book of proceedings from the conference.
All other applicants may have the opportunity to present their abstracts in the form of a poster session.
All applicants will be invited to join the network of SEASIN.
Conference Topics
- Social Innovation and the Environment (e.g. Smart Cities and Green Spaces)
- Social Innovation and Technology
- Social Innovation and People: Social Cohesion, Health, Education, Employment
- How can social innovation be measured, scaled-up, transferred or sustained?
- How can universities support social innovation?
- Education for social innovation (e.g. methodologies and practices)
- Social innovation theories and practices in Southeast Asia
Important dates
May 31, 2018: Submission deadline for abstracts (100-200 words)
June 20, 2018: Notification of acceptance of the abstracts
July 1, 2018: Launch of conference registration
July 15, 2018: Submission of the extended abstracts (1000 words)
October 8, 2018: Start of conference
October 9 2018: End of conference
April 1 2019: Publication of conference proceedings
More information
For more information on the call for abstracts, the review and submission process, click here. (pdf download link below)
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