Muhammad Ali and Disability in Nepal

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I never knew how much Muhammad Ali meant to me.  Today I was watching a  few videos about Ali on CNN, he really changed things, much more than any athlete during his time and set the stage for speaking out on social issues.  Possibly with some of the  athletes living with a disability in Nepal they can become spokespersons for disability rights. I was thinking about Prem who is such a good athlete.  After a recent League game I said you are so good but like Michael Jordan you need to help make your teammates better.

Interview with Anju Pun, Country Director, Forget me Not ( Part II)

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Anju goes into the details of her work with Forget Me Not to ensure the rights of vulnerable children are respected and how we can overcome the orphanage based model. The third and last part of the Interview with Anju will upload on Tuesday 21st of June, 2016. In this interview, Anju explains about the partnership approach of Forget Me Not and other operational aspects of its work.  For more information on Forget Me Not, please visit

Interview with Anju Pun Country Director, Forget me Not ( Part I)

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Forget Me Not is a leading child protection not for profit whose country office is led by Anju Thapa who previously has been working with UNDP. Anju is leading the efforts to create an effective child protection system that goes far beyond the istitutional approach. The interview was organized as part of Wisdom Wednesday 2015, the initiative run by Next Generation Nepal to talk about ethical volunteering and child protection.

For more information on Forget Me Not, please visit


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Facebook and other media can help you in many ways. You can find a job through them, you can promote your work and surely you can make new friends. But let's be aware over confining our personal life to the boundaries of social media. You can spend a lot of time on line but let's not forget that life must be experienced off line too.

The Turkish Airlines ENGAGE Empowering League is a real game changer

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The first ever wheelchair basketball championship offers a new way to create partnership to bring positive changes in social sector. A shorter version of the article was published by Republica.

Rebuilding Nepal Through Social Entrepreneurship

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The first ever international conference on social entrepreneurship is happening in Nepal at the end of June.

Nepali Sweetness

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A recent trip to Dolakha proved to be pure sweetness
