'Saying that we are sorry is not enough' Tearful Justin Trudeau apologizes to N.L. residential school survivors

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The Canadian Prime Minister offers a comprehensive apologies to the native nations of Canada for the abuses of the residential schools where local native kids were forced to live, away from their families. He made the apologies during a recent trip of his in Labrador. Read the full speech.


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I feel blessed every day. Read about some of the reasons why.

IAVE’S diaries (DAY 3-24th Nov)

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An overview of some interesting organizations i came to know yesterday. From a modern form of time banking to an innovative and holistic management review of a volunteering program in mental health in Hong Kong

IAVE’S diaries (DAY 2-23rd Nov)

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Today takeaways from the second day of the IAVE youth conference. The focus is on a common trend of volunteering that i found during these two days: short term high impact volunteering missions.

IAVE’S diaries ( DAY 1-22nd Nov)

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Some reflections from my first day ( 22nd of November) at IAVE conference in KL. The government here is pushing hard to promote volunteerism because it fits perfectly into the national plans to develop young talents. Can such approach co-exist with smaller, independent initiatives that have nothing to do with programs backed by the government? Perhaps yes...

Creating partnerships for and with the elderly: When not for profit innovates

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Saar Nepal is a local not for profit working in Nepal to support the needs of elders. It has developed a very interesting partnership approach that is based on partnerships with local groups of retirees and other elders. The team behind Saar Nepal has also promoted a social enterprise, an on-line portal addressing the specific needs of its clients and beneficiaries.

EU Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth underway

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The Swedish Prime Minister rime Stefan Löfven is hosting a meeting between the EU institutions and the social partners to discuss about the so called SOCIAL PILLAR OF the European Union. At the same time, all the leaders of the EU members states will discuss about the role of education and culture in the future of the EU.

FROM HRW: Burma: Widespread Rape of Rohingya Women, Girls Soldiers Commit Gang Rape, Murder Children

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Burmese security forces have committed widespread rape against women and girls as part of a campaign of ethnic cleansing against Rohingya Muslims in Burma’s Rakhine State, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.


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Not many people knows the Kingdom of Tonga, in the South Pacific. It is an archipelago nation and it is an emerging and fragile democracy. The outgoing Prime Minister,Akilisi Pohiva the first truly democratically elected, had to face a crisis due to parliament dissolution decided by influential King. Now he got elected again and his party is back on power. Will he succeed this time?


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On the 14th and 15th of November, the city of Vancouver hosted a global peace-keeping summit promoted by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
