VNR Lab 10: Investing in children: developing a child-sensitive VNR for an inclusive and sustainable recovery

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This is a side event of the High Level Political Forum on the SDGs and it is focused on how to make the Voluntary National Review, the major report on the SDGs that nation have to produce, more child centered. it is organized by UNICEF and the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children

UN report: Pandemic year marked by spike in world hunger

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Africa posting biggest jump. World at critical juncture, must act now for 2030 turnaround.


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irst launched at the 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly, and updated in 2019, the roadmap provides a shared vision for how to deliver the 2030 Agenda targets for peaceful, just and inclusive societies (SDG16+).

Extreme risk makes the journey (Oliver Bakewell and Caitlin Sturridge)

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An interesting blog from the experts on Migration from the Manchester University's Global Development Institute. Apparently for many young somali the risk factor of taking a perilous journey is not risky at all..In this blog Oliver Bakewell explores his and Caitlin Sturridge’s recent paper on Extreme Risk Makes the Journey Feasible: Decision-Making amongst Migrants in the Horn of Africa

Kathy Hochstetler on the Politics of Climate Change (LINK TO PODCAST)

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Shamel Azmeh is a lecturer at the University of Manchester. In this podcast, Shamel hosts academics and researchers for open discussions on a range of issues in economics, politics, history, and other areas.

Announcing the 2021 Love Your Block Grant Opportunity: Apply Now!

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Applications are now open for Love Your Block, a grant program that brings city leaders and residents together to build stronger neighborhoods, one block at a time. Through the program, cities award mini-grants to residents and community partners to reduce blight and spur neighborhood-driven change. The deadline to apply is August 9, 2021.

Launch of 'Humanitarian governance: accountability, advocacy, alternatives' Research project launch webinar (ISS), 16TH JUNE 2021

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Webinar to launch research project exploring issues of humanitarian governance in Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia and Colombia, and at the global level.

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2021 (SOFI)

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The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2021 (SOFI 2021) report presents the first evidence-based global assessment of chronic food insecurity in the year the COVID-19 pandemic emerged and spread across the globe.

HLPF 2021 side event | Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Leaving No Country Behind

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The report “Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Leaving No Country Behind” explores how countries can harness digitalization by creating citizen-centric systems that enable achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. It also examines the need for enhanced cooperation among countries to improve physical connectivity, to enhance financial and economic cooperation, to increase investment...

Online Event: Virtual Policy Dialogue on Social Safety Nets Beyond the COVID-19 Crisis

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In June 2020, ADBI held a policy dialogue series to identify real-time recommendations for government officials as they rapidly expanded safety nets and mobilized cash transfer programs for vulnerable groups during the early stages of the COVID-19 crisis. One year later, this virtual policy dialogue will reconnect with policy makers, academics, and development institution experts...
