Climate change risks new violent conflict. How to respond? Policies to counter fragility should target cities and strengthen regional organizations.

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As climate change amplifies weather disasters and destabilizes food and water supplies, recent research is confirming its effects on the global south: Our planet’s warming is weakening already fragile states, increasing the risk of violent conflicts and accelerating human displacement and migration.

NatWest SE100

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The SE100 Index and Social Business Awards is run by NatWest & Pioneers Post every year to name, celebrate and learn from the UK's 100 most impressive social enterprises

State of the nation 2021: Post pandemic, employer practices will continue to be vital to progress on social mobility (UK)

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"Today, the Social Mobility Commission published its annual appraisal of social mobility in the UK’. Titled ‘State of the nation 2021; Social mobility and the pandemic’, the report draws on an extensive evidence base to lay bare the key barriers to social mobility that exist today."

INTERVIEW: Address conflict, climate change, disease, to reduce humanitarian need, urges outgoing ‘relief chief’ (FROM UN NEWS)

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When he accepted the offer to become UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, four years ago, Mark Lowcock had hoped the need for aid globally was on the decline.


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Find here the final report drafted at the end of the High Level Political Forum, the main forum focused on the SDGs.

How collaborations with social entrepreneurs are helping to make the SDGs a reality (WEF)

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Social innovators are tackling some of the world’s greatest threats – and by working more collaboratively, are shifting the entire landscape of the social change sector. This shift has been facilitated by Catalyst 2030, a global movement of social entrepreneurs and social innovators looking to attain the SDGs by 2030.

RCE Youth Webinar: Youth Voices on Climate Change, Action for Sustainability

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Organized by the Global RCE Service Centre, the RCE Youth Webinar ‘Youth Voices on Climate Change, Action for Sustainability’ will be held virtually (online) 14:00-16:00 JST on 11 August, 2021 to commemorate International Youth Day 2021.

Shell’s appeal confirms its lack of commitment to tackling climate change (Friends of Earth)

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Shell's decision to appeal sends the "wrong signal" according to Milieudefensie’s director Donald Pols. 'Shell should act now, as the judge ordered. The longer the delay the more serious the climate consequences will be for us all.'

Sustainable Recovery Tracker, International Energy Agency

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"With only 2% of governments’ recovery spending going to clean energy transitions, global emissions are set to surge to an all-time high".

New Report Finds G-20 Member Countries Support Fossil Fuels At Levels Untenable To Achieve Paris Agreement Goals

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Bloomberg Philanthropies and BloombergNEF released a new Climate Policy Factbook outlining the progress that each G-20 member country has made toward moving to a low-carbon economy. The report was released to increase transparency and inform policy priorities ahead of upcoming international climate negotiations, including the G-20 Summit and Ministerial Meetings, the 75th Session of the U.N. GA.
