Roadmap | A call to action on SDG 16 targets and indicators
The Pathfinders are a group of 39 UN member states, international organizations, global partnerships, civil society and the private sector. Contact us to explore membership of new pathfinder countries and other partners.
We work to accelerate action to implement the SDG targets for peace, justice and inclusion (SDG16+). In September 2017, the Pathfinders launched the Roadmap for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies. An updated version was published at the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in July 2019.
Following the first SDG Summit in September 2019, the Pathfinders continues to act as a platform for action. We aim to demonstrate measurable change against the SDG16+ targets in Pathfinder countries by the second summit in 2023 by working on three objectives:
National delivery – increase national ambition, coherence, innovation, and reporting, so that a growing number of Pathfinder countries fulfil commitments to implement SDG16+.
International delivery – strengthen strategies and momentum at international and regional levels, so that partners more effectively support implementation of elements of the roadmap.
Grand challenges – raise ambition, increase political will, and set a policy and learning agenda in three key areas: promoting justice for all, preventing violence, and tackling exclusion and inequality.
Transform institutions so that they can meet aspirations for a more prosperous, inclusive and sustainable future.
Include and empower people so that they can fulfill their potential to work for a better future.
Scale up violence prevention for women and children, and for vulnerable groups
Increase justice and legal empowerment
Legal identity and birth registration for all
Build safe, inclusive,
and resilient cities
Commitment to open and responsive government
Empower people
as agents of change
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