Puspa Shahi-A Profile

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Puspa Shahi, her husband, their daughter and son, born with Down syndrome, in June, live in Wales. This is Puspa's story about how her son has been a gift in her life.

The Power of NO

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How do we move from darkness to light in our lives?

Investment on Young Children in Urban Poverty; A Raw Deal from Government

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In India we have 7.6 million young children in the age group of 0-6 years who live in a condition which is defined by the census of India as not fit for dwelling. The article is about how the urban governance system have excluded young children living in urban poverty and government do not invest on them as they do not have a right to vote.

Sexual Apartheid and the " Un-naturalness" argument

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Being gay is not a disease, being homophobic is. Most often the argument against homosexuality that is given is the "Un-naturalness" argument. What is this argument? What is its premise?

Crafting Asian Social Work as a transnational professional space Personal Narration of a transnational migrant Social Work educator

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With my multiple identities, motives for migration, training standards and values, I continue to explore and aim to transit myself in to what it seems like an unfamiliar community of practice as effectively as possible. My day to day encounters and partnerships with social work colleagues from all over the world and welfare agencies may redefine the counters of Asian social work.

International Volunteering in Nepal: such a bad thing?

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Thousands of foreigners come to Nepal to volunteer: most of them have good intentions, some of them do great things while a minor number do actually nothing. The issue is controversial and technically illegal, really? There are international organizations promoting development through volunteerism doing amazing job look at VSO, KOICA, JICA, PEACE Corps and UNV. what about the rest?


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Whatever the “job description”, a child collecting the fare in the micro or a child serving your tea or young girl taking care of your neighbor’s children, child labor is an intrinsic part of a broader national value chain, an integral element of local and national economy.
