
Towards a European Education Area by 2025

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Ambitious plans set out by the European Commission with a vision of an educational union that would compliment the higher education common space already existing under the Bologna framework: full diploma recognition, enhanced student mobility, universities network, promotion of life long learning

Private schools as social businesess

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Ongoing discussions to amend the Education Act by turning any future private learning education into a cooperative are missing an opportunity to think about a role that private schools could have in the so called "social economy" where profits are not turned away but fairly redistributed among the shareholders and generate a social impact at community level.

Turning Private Schools in Cooperative? Better Turning Them in Social Enterprises

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Both public, community managed schools and private schools are part of the same public education system. Private schools can be part of a new wave of social impact investment that is spreading all around the developing world: making profit but at the same time ensuring a social impact in the community.

Can volunteers alone make the nation literate?

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Students acting as volunteers can be of great help in reducing adult illiteracy in the country. Yet it would be naïve to expect them alone to eradicate illiteracy. What is needed is a concerted effort that can harness new partnerships with non for profit organizations and state agencies. While more resources must be allocated to not for profit actors, accountability mechanisms must be stepped up.

Exploring Jumla and the work we do in communities

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As the new Country Director of World Vision International Nepal, i had the privilege to spend few days in far western Nepal, a beautiful region of the country where World Vision is working to empower local women groups through a comprehensive human development approach. Here a description of what i learned and saw during my field trip

Who is to blame?

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This is a very short piece about a small boy who I encountered when I was a high school kid. His behavior shocked me. I was left stunned. I was and am still wondering who is to blame for the behavior of that small boy?

Thoughts on Education from a 20 year old..

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The words here are not mine. All the thoughts and statements are purely his own. I have just translated his thoughts in English. He talks about the education system of Nepal,his experiences and what needs be done to ensure a good education system.

A pragmatic approach to end child labor

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Implementation of existing legislation or a novel, though controversial approach that will "legitimize" the plague of child labor allowing children to opt out if they want and get back to society. If they stay in, they will have ensured rights like education and health. Of course the second approach will not ensure the right to a serene childhood but...

Doreen Johnstone and Book Reach: How passion drives positive changes ( Interview)


Doreen is an incredible, strong, determined and passionate woman who have been living all around the world with many years spent in Nepal. An educationalist by background, profession and passion, Doreen recently started a new social venture called Book Reach that brings children books from South East Asia to selected schools in Nepal. Here the the interview

A Nepali Mother Journey with a child with Down Syndrome

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Proud sister,Anouska who is 5 with her 4 months old brother,Kaiden who has Down Syndrome.
This is a Nepali mother journey 6 months later after having a son with Down Syndrome and how it has changed their life for the good.As shocking it may be, it came as acceptance at last.They have learnt to enjoy life as it is and appreciate what God has created for them.

About Us

The idea is simple: creating an open “Portal” where engaged and committed citizens who feel to share their ideas and offer their opinions on development related issues have the opportunity to do...


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Toward the Volunteering Inspired Society.