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S4G, the un-mediated, not moderated social platform

Have you ever thought you have something to “express” with a social dimension but never had the opportunity to do it?

Then S4G is what you are looking for:

  • Open, unrestricted and easy to use
  • Three mediums to choose from: TEXT, VIDEO, PHOTO
  • A way to express your ideas, reflections and expertise, on social issues and broader development and society at large
  • You do not need to be an expert but just passionate about what you share

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Radicals are getting prominent. Is the end of moderate politics?

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With the election of a radical politician as leader, the Labour Party in UK is entering into a new phase. What does represent the rise of radical and populist politics? Is it the end of moderate way of doing politics ?

The Start

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small text involves huge phenomenon

Ganesh Chaturthi, Ganpati Puja, Sthapana

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This article as details about ganesh chaturthi mahurat date and time, Ganpati Sthapana, history, why it is celebrated and time when it is prohibited Moon Sighting and remedy if sighted, how to celebrated. Ganesh Chaturthi is one of the most popular festivals in the Country and around the world. Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated as birth anniversary of Lord Ganesh.


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Today is election day in the city state. With the entire society embracing a democratic spirit and the political space opening up, change will be inevitable, sooner or later.

How the refugees crisis will shape the future of the European Union

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The increasing divide between eastern and western members of the EU in how to handle the refugee crisis can offer a new impetus to a new federated union among the euro countries while easterners, Scandinavian and British will be more than happy simply with an economic block.


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Sept 5th is Teacher's Day in India. A little Thank You note for a teacher.

Interview with Laxmi Nepal

Video Sharing

3rd edition of ENGAGE talk with Laxmi Nepal, currently working with ENGAGE, she shares her experience being visually impaired and how she overcomes her struggles.

The Refugee Situation: Do Something Now!

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We must do something as we don't know when we or our family members will be the refugees.


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They made our lives better. They saved thousands of people during the quakes. Yet after spending an entire life together, we are divorcing from them because we were never been able to teach people how to use them in a proper way.

Story of Keshav Timalsina

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Kehsav Timalsina is one of ENGAGE's wheelchair basketball player

Livelihoods in Nepal: A collaborative approach

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Working in the area of livelihoods has its own challenges; due to the amount of resources a collaborative approach makes sense for really breaking through.

Empowering through Employment

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The problem faced by disabled people to get employed and make a decent living


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You can be a former president of the United States that at ninety years old faces a brain tumor without losing his optimism and sense of hope or you can be a twenty five years Nepali citizen working as a peer counselor for persons with a spinal injury to show how life is beautiful despite the odds. Ladies and Gentlemen meet Mr. Sameer Thakur, a true inspiration.

Tribute to the tourists died during the earthquake. Manoj K. Giri [Chairperson: Tourism Forum-Nepal]

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The tourists died in the calamities cannot be our guest again, but they will always be in our memories. We memorize them days and days, years and years. They are our inspiration, we missed them, we lost them but we never forget them.

Rohan Thapa's " Invisible" photography

Photo sharing

Rohan Thapa is a Nepalese photographer who is working on this project called "Invisible" in which he photographs visually impaired people. He displayed his photographs in the Nepal Art Council. His pictures are blurred and on top of each picture is a message written in braille bridging the gap between the visually impaired and sighted.

Bridging the gap between visually impaired and sighted

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Nepalese photographer Rohan Thapa displays his photographs of the visually impaired people in Nepal on 12th August 2015 Wednesday in the Nepal Art council.


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This year theme is Civic Engagement. Civic engagement should not be thought just in terms of democracy promotion and youth involvement in politics but in terms of tangible way to empower the nation.Some practical ideas on how to harness the power of youth.

Opportunities and Challenges of Social work Trainees in Nepal

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Nepal is a developing country and education in social work is still very young. Nepalese social workers are the change agents of Nepalese society. Educational institution is a place from where social workers gain knowledge and skills to transform the society. It is important to know the challenges faced as well as opportunities accessed by social work learners in the academic and field sectors
