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The two irony of blockade in Nepal by India

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The two irony of blockade in Nepal by India

We are quite aware about the ongoing Madhesi movements in Terai. It has shown a huge impact on Nepalese economy as well as brought certain social change on day to day lives of people. We can now finally analyze how courageous is our government because they don't have even guts to say that it is a blockade. Every minister and media as well as government is saying it's an unofficial blockade where as everyone knows that is official.

Interview with Dr.Nikku, Social Work Innovator and Pioneer

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The ENGAGE Tlak with Dr.Raju Nikku sharing is passion for Social Work and Volunteerism.

Interview with Laurie Ahern, President, Disability Rights International (DRI)


Disability Rights International (DRI) is a USA based advocacy group with a global outreach. As President, Laurie ensures that organization keeps enhancing human rights and full participation in society of children & adults with disabilities worldwide. With a strong background on media in some of the most renown national dailies in the USA, Laurie explains about the groundbreaking work of DRI, especially in the sector of mental health.

Can minority group cause/ influence social change

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Social change is a process which have been there always in the society and affecting the lives of people in different way and people affecting/making the change in the society. Yes, it is possible for minority groups to cause social change. Minority groups are the problems of the society. They are the group who don't have access to many rights, employment, and education. They are the one who are deprived and are left behind in the society. Unless and until these minority groups are not taken to mainstream, the country (government) and societies face many problems.

A Poem for World Disability Day

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I want to exude love

To have love rain from my pores as during a monsoon

I want others to capture this love and send it around the world

Until we live as one


I want to live in a world where people look beyond physical image

Not necessarily at what we accomplish

But at what we are capable of doing

No matter what our physical appearance looks like

Or what are our mental abilities


I want to see smiles and understanding reflected back

As if we are always looking into a mirror



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Today is the International Day of Persons living with disabilities. Admitting and recognizing that we are all vulnerable is key to reach, elevation, the real status of human empowerment.

UNDESA/DSPD Forum on Disability and Development: Disability Inclusion and Accessible Urban Development

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he DESA/DSPD Forum on Disability and Development, officially launched in 2013, is an initiative of the Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of the Division for Social Policy and Development, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA).

International day of persons with disabilities: the message of Ban Ki Moon

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"Building a sustainable, inclusive world for all requires the full engagement of people of all abilities. The 2030 Agenda includes many issues of concern to persons with disabilities and we must work together to transform these commitments into action" says the Secretary General of the United Nations

International day of persons with disabilities: it is all about empowerment and inclusion

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"Inclusion matters: access and empowerment for people of all abilities", the theme of this year International Day of Persons with disabilities, advocates for persons with disabilities to have the chance to enjoy a better life

Musing on the World AIDS Day

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People say you choose your own path. However, sometimes the path chooses you and you return to tred it no matter how many more paths you walk on. That path becomes your journey and your destination. It beomes your calling. I entered the field of HIV as a 24 yr old not knowing that it will become my life.

Sustainable Development Goals 2015

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Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all


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Will the new impetus on EU-Turkey relationships. caused by the refugees crisis, lead to Turkey membership to the EU? It won' t be easy at all but for sure the negotiations will help Turkey become a better state.

Hear the expert Ajaya Dixit on Climate Change in Nepal

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We report an interesting interview with Ajaya Dixit, Institution for Social and Environmental Transition-Nepal


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Within the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reducation, private sector can play a key role, according to a recent publication published by the UN regional office for Asia Pacific, UNESCAP


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The Indian actor Aamir Khan and his wife feel unsafe in India. Instead of understanding why, we go ahead and ridicule them both.

Mirabel Sisters, "The Butterflies" the heros behind the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

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it all started in the Republica Domenicana, as an act of resistance against dictator Trujillo where 3 sisters paid a very high price for their courage. While we celebrate every day many single heros, we the westerners have no clues about so many hidden and valuable stories of courage, tenacity and change. What do the western education system and media teach us? But Mario Vargas Llosa saved u


International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women: Statement of UN WOMEN EXECUTIVE Director

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Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, former Vice President of South Africa, says "We have made progress in improving the laws that distinguish these acts and others as ones of violence and invasion of human rights. Some 125 countries have laws against sexual harassment, 119 have laws against domestic violence, but only 52 countries have laws on marital rape". But we all know that is not enough

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign

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16 days of campaigning while important is not enough. Nevertheless man and women must rally together in this global campaign and possibly and hopefully follow ups will happen, linking up the cause of ending violence against women with other issues related to women' empowerment and a more inclusive societies all over the world

Nepal and Love

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Reflections on the current situation in Nepal; can we reach love in the world?
