Historic day in the campaign to beat plastic pollution: Nations commit to develop a legally binding agreement

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Heads of State, Ministers of environment and other representatives from 175 nations endorsed a historic resolution at the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-5) today in Nairobi to End Plastic Pollution and forge an international legally binding agreement by 2024. The resolution addresses the full lifecycle of plastic, including its production, design and disposal.

UNESCO endorsement will strengthen human rights education worldwide (The Danish Institute for Human Rights)

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UNESCO has endorsed a new methodology developed by the Institute. It enables states to assess the status of human rights education in national policies and school curricula.

Global Methane Tracker 2022 (INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY)

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The IEA’s Global Methane Tracker shows emissions from oil, gas and coal are on the rise again, underscoring need for greater transparency, stronger policies and immediate action

UNDRR’s strategy on disability inclusion (UN DISASTER OFFICE FOR RISK REDUCTION )

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Within UNDRR’s new Strategic Framework for 2022-2025, disability inclusive disaster risk reduction activities are not only mainstreamed throughout strategic objectives but also included for the first time as dedicated results and deliverables in support of disability inclusive disaster risk reduction.

Assessing the impact of online junk food advertising on teenagers (NESTA, THE UK SOCIAL INNOVATION FOUNDATION)

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This project started in November 2021 and will end in February 2022. The project tries to answer the following question: Does the government's ban on unhealthy food advertising online go far enough?

Number of Wildfires to Rise by 50% by 2100 and Governments are not Prepared, Experts Warn

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· Even the Arctic, previously all but immune, faces rising wildfire risk, experts say ahead of the UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi · Wildfires and climate change are “mutually exacerbating” · Governments are called to radically shift their investments in wildfires to focus on prevention and preparedness

Six grave violations against children in times of war

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How children have become frontline targets in armed conflicts.

Webinar: Sport for All in a competitive fundraising environment

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Join TAFISA and Oaks Consultancy as they host experts in fundraising and grant-making in the field of sport for development on how to adapt fundraising strategies to secure sustainable income.

Trade and the Environment: The Search for Sustainable Solutions

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Still Only One Earth: Lessons from 50 years of UN sustainable development policy. By Nicole de Paula on February 22, 2022


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How cities are creating cleaner, healthier communities and circular economies
