In 2022, sports actors have provided unprecedented support to refugees fleeing Ukraine and other crises (e.g. Syria, Afghanistan, Venezuela). However, with an estimated over 100 million persons forcibly displaced, the sport ecosystem can do more to strengthen and systematise its support during such crises.
sportanddev and the Sport for Refugees coalition (SfRC) are hosting an interactive webinar to identify key actions and changes to strengthen sport’s response to forced displacement.
This webinar provides you with an opportunity to input directly as we address the following questions:
- What role can the different parts of the sport ecosystem play in refugee situations?
- What is the one fix that actors using sport to respond to forced displacement should implement to maximise the impact of their work?
The webinar builds on the call for articles launched by sportanddev and the SfRC (call is open until 21 November so submit your contribution to get published on sportanddev!). The webinar forms part of the 2022 Week of Action from 28 November – 2 December and seeks to build momentum on this topic.
The agenda that comes out of the webinar will be taken forward by the Sport for Refugees Coalition and stakeholders and will influence development of pledges for the 2023 Global Refugee Forum.
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