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2020-2021 Report: A Year Just Like Any Other Oxford University received at least £1.6m from the fossil fuel industry in the financial year 2020-2021. Read more in the report below.

Global Disability Summit 2022:Co-Chairs’ Summary

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The Government of Norway, the Government of Ghana, and the International Disability Alliance co-chaired the Global Disability Summit 2022 on 16 and 17 February. Due to COVID-19, the summit was virtual.

22-24 February 2022 Global Forum for a Human-centred Recovery

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The ILO will host the Global Forum for a Human-centred Recovery from 22-24 February. It will bring together heads of State and Government, heads of international organizations and multilateral development banks, and employers’ and workers’ leaders from around the world to propose concrete actions and strengthen the international community’s response to the COVID-19 crisis.

COLLECTIVE IMPACT FORUM: Centering Equity in Collective Impact

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Join us on February 17 at 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm ET as we mark this milestone in a virtual coffee discussion to explore lessons learned over this decade. We will focus on sharing an updated definition of collective impact and a set of key strategies to help collective impact efforts center equity in their work

The State of Southeast Asia: 2022 Survey Report

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The State of Southeast Asia 2022 Survey conducted by the ASEAN Studies Centre at ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute highlighted the pandemic’s threat to health, and a ‘slow and ineffective’ ASEAN as the top challenge and concern facing the region.

Leading Change through Inclusive Sport

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Join the Sport Development Consortium for Inclusion for a Global Disability Summit side event on how sport can increase inclusive opportunities for children.

UN South Asia Forum on Business and Human Rights

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This year’s Forum is being co-organized by the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights, the United Nations Development Programme’s Business and Human Rights in Asia and the International Labour Organization, with support from the Government of Sweden. It will facilitate a robust, multi-stakeholder dialogue to foster joint action to prevent, mitigate and remediate business-related human right

Statement by outgoing Chief Executive Officer of GPE, Alice P. Albright

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The reflection of outgoing Global Partnership for Education's CEO, Alice P. Albright. "The advocacy work of GPE and our many wonderful partners has resulted in education gaining more prominence on the global policy agenda."

[Joint Statement] Sri Lanka: Joint NGO Statement in Solidarity with Sri Lankan Human Rights Defender Ambika Satkunanathan

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"We condemn the Sri Lankan government’s tactics to intimidate human rights defenders, and express our full solidarity with Ms. Satkunanathan, a well-known, respected and courageous human rights defender." FORUM ASIA

RewirEd Summit (Educational Summit)

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RewirEd is a global platform with a clear vision: to rewire education for a prosperous and sustainable future. Led by Dubai Cares, in partnership with Expo 2020 Dubai and in close coordination with the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MoFAIC), and delivered in partnership with global stakeholders, RewirEd aims to be a catalyst in redefining education...
