Climate Adaptation Summit

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The Netherlands will host the Global Commission on Adaptation (GCA) Climate Adaptation Summit from 25-26 January 2021. Originally scheduled for 22 October 2020, the event will be held online due to the COVID-19 global pandemic.


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The TBI Talks series returns this month, and we will be joined by leading thinkers in politics, academia, business, journalism and more to debate answers to the big policy issues of 2021 – from the economic and political reality of Brexit, to how to make the UK a global centre for tech innovation, to the increasingly frail state of the union and the promise of global leadership on climate change.

Democracy Pioneers from NESTA

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In December 2019, Nesta launched the Democracy Pioneers Award, to seek out projects and organisations reshaping and re-energising democracy in the UK. Here we share the programme's outcomes and learnings.

Remarks at Security Council Open Debate on “Challenges of Maintaining Peace and Security in Fragile Contexts” UN Secretary General

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"We know that prevention and peacebuilding save lives and are cost-effective, especially when strategies come together across the peace, development and humanitarian nexus in support of national priorities. But they also require national leadership, political commitment and financial support" shares António Guterres on the 6th of January.

STI in times of crisis and opportunity (OECD)

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The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD, an intergovernmental body based in Paris, published its flagship Science, Technology and Innovation Outlook for 2021. "Science and technology offer the only exit strategy from COVID-19. They have played essential roles in providing a better understanding of the virus and its transmission"

Children cannot afford another year of school disruption (Statement by UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore)

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“The cost of closing schools – which at the peak of pandemic lockdowns affected 90 per cent of students worldwide and left more than a third of schoolchildren with no access to remote education – has been devastating.The number of out-of-school children is set to increase by 24 million, to a level we have not seen in years and have fought so hard to overcome", shares Fore.

UN Women and UNV launch new Young Women Leaders Initiative

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UN Women and UNV launch the new Young Women Leaders Initiative to create professional opportunities for leaders of tomorrow and further enhance diversity in UN Women. We invite 10 young women from the Global South to serve as UN Youth Volunteers at UN Women Headquarters in New York.

Singapore Perspectives 2021 "Reset" by The Institute of Policy Studies (IPS)

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The Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) is holdin its annual flagship Singapore Perspectives (SP) conference, on 12, 14, 19 and 25 January 2021. The theme of SP2021 is “Reset”. The conference aims to bring together international thought leaders, academics, activists and community leaders with each other to consider the challenges presented by the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Transforming trade, backing productive capacities is key to fixing global economy (UN Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD)

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UNCTAD Secretary-General sets down roadmap for health, productivity, prosperity and fixing a fractured global economy scarred by the coronavirus pandemic ahead of its October 2021 quadrennial conference in Barbados.

Human Rights Watch World Report 2021 ( ESSAY BY Kenneth Roth Executive Director)

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World Report 2021, Human Rights Watch’s 31st annual review of human rights practices and trends around the globe, reviews developments in more than 100 countries.
