RCE Youth Webinar: Youth Voices on Climate Change, Action for Sustainability

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  • https://ias.unu.edu/en/events/upcoming/rce-youth-webinar-youth-voices-on...

    The webinar will provide a platform for youth to dialogue on the actions needed to address the climate crisis and how efforts can be accelerated to address the climate emergency. RCE youth members will also share examples of actions for implementing ESD for 2030 towards achieving the SDGs.

    Both youth and all those interested in empowering and engaging with youth are encouraged to attend.


    For more information, please click here.


    To register, please complete the online form here.
    Registration is free for all participants.
    Please note the registration will be closed as soon as the number of participants reaches the limit.


    The concept note and programme can be downloaded here.


    Global RCE Service Centre: RCEServiceCentre@unu.edu



Position: Co -Founder of ENGAGE,a new social venture for the promotion of volunteerism and service and Ideator of Sharing4Good

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