Interview with Ann Mei Chang, CEO of Global Development Lab, an initiative of USAID ( from Federal Times)

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Finally big donors have started promoting innovation at massive scale. Hopefully USAID's efforts in this sector will be replicated ( from

The 2016 Social Innovation Tournament: an example of how multilateral donor institutions can foster innovation

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The European Investment Bank Institute, the think tank, action center of the EU controlled bank is launching an interesting example on how it is possible to promote social innovation in Europe: the Social Innovation Tournament that is only valid for European ventures. It would be really good to have more donor institutions launching competitions to promote social innovation.

The School for Social Entrepreneurs India opens ( Press Release)

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Exciting news for budding social entrepreneurs in India. Finally one of the most renown institution to promote social enterprise has open a branch in India. Will be Nepal next?

Moving Forward the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

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There is the possibility of moving forward the rights of persons with disabilities through sports and focusing on people instead of organisations


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Please help these two families by either providing cash or in-kind donations or talking to your family and friends, organisations which you belong to, to see if they can help.

Private schools as social businesess

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Ongoing discussions to amend the Education Act by turning any future private learning education into a cooperative are missing an opportunity to think about a role that private schools could have in the so called "social economy" where profits are not turned away but fairly redistributed among the shareholders and generate a social impact at community level.

Experiential Empathy and Disability Sports

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The recent graduation of six Coaching4Fun participants helped me to look at Experiential Empathy and partnerships.

Wisdom Wednesday: Martin Punaks,Why orphanage volunteering is not a good idea after all

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Martin Punaks, Country Director of Next Generation Nepal and convener of the “Wisdom Wednesday” initiative on international volunteerism in children homes or orphanages offers a picture of the current situation of children living in children homes in Nepal. Evidence shows that there are more harms than benefits in having an experience as an international volunteer in an orphanage home. Of course no doubts that there are excellent children homes run by real social workers but there are many cases of fraudsters who set up children homes as a business and this should not be allowed.

Congratulation to Sudarshan Subedi

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This article is for wishing Sudershan Subedi for being re-elected as the President of National Federation of the Disabled Nepal.

Presenting Wisdom Wednesday: when volunteering in children homes might not be the best idea

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Are we really sure that volunteering in a children homes is in the best interest of the hosted children? Here an initiative that helps us all to reflect a bit about undertaking volunteering actions in children homes. Every Wednesday during this month of February you will have the chance to learn from experts on why volunteering in children homes is not the best thing.
