AI Opportunity Fund: Asia-Pacific

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AVPN, with support from and ADB, is thrilled to introduce the AI Opportunity Fund: Asia Pacific, an AI skilling initiative designed to equip workers with essential AI skills for long-term success.

CARE INTERNATIONAL: Building caring economies as a pathway to economic and gender justice

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This joint report by CARE International and the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women demonstrates how and why governments and decision-makers should invest in building caring economies to achieve gender and economic justice globally.

START PLANNING World Habitat Day

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On 7 October 2024, the Global Observance of World Habitat Day, will be under the theme “Engaging youth to create a better urban future.” The world is rapidly urbanizing, and many urban residents these days are young people, especially in some countries in Africa and Asia. It will focus on how we can engage the new generation in planning their urban present and future through participatory processe

New economic support service for Small Island Developing States: a "clarion call" for action on debt and financial resilience

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A new plan aimed at alleviating crippling levels of debt and building economic resilience among Small Island Developing States (SIDS) will today be launched by the leaders of Antigua and Barbuda and the Maldives.


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Discussions at WCS 2024 will centre around the theme “Liveable and Sustainable Cities: Rejuvenate, Reinvent, Reimagine”. How do we achieve smart, resilient and regenerative cities now and for future generations? Go to the Programmes section for a first look at our Conference Concept Note, and our Plenary sessions.

SIDS Gender Equality Forum (GEF)

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Small Island Developing States (SIDS) face unique vulnerabilities that significantly challenge the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Despite notable progress towards gender equality, SIDS face distinctive challenges that hinder gender equality and women’s empowerment.

WSIS Digital Service Design Prize 2024

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In its first edition, the Prize received an impressive 50 submissions, showcasing the dedication of governments and organisations worldwide to improve digital service design and delivery.

UNDP launched the Digital 4 Development Hub in Latin America and the Caribbean

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The initiative aims to enhance technical assistance so countries can leverage digital technologies to drive inclusive and sustainable growth.
