Debating CSR in Nepal: A bit bumpy road but without a way back!

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Slowly a community of practitioners on Corporate Social Responsibility is emerging in Nepal. It is open to all; it is free of charge and ultimately it makes sense. Hopefully after reading this piece, you might be tempted to join.

Feeling Fortunate

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Living in a village

International #TigerDay: July 29, 2014

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International Tiger Day 2014 -

"The goal of Tiger Day is to promote the protection and expansion of the wild tigers habitats and to gain support through awareness for tiger conservation."

FIFA World Cup 2014 - some thoughts!

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Anything is debatable, even the existence of GOD, let alone the brilliance of Lionel Messi. We have just witnessed arguably the perfect World Cup final ever; a free-flowing yet compact and competitive match. Everybody gave their 100%; those forward runs, tackles, jumps and even the referees were at their best. As an Argentine football team supporter, I would have been happier to see them win the World Cup but German Football team have been brilliant throughout the tournament and they deserved the top prize.

One year later

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This poignant piece has been written on behalf of a month old baby girl of one of our officers. It would be a pity if it is not shared with as many people as we can. This is the sentiment of a true 'Fauji" family who battle on, soon to be relegated to an obscure corner of naval history. From an anonymous writer.


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Part reality part fiction.

Keeping Things Pasted on Walls

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My new life and keeping basketball cards pasted on the walls of my flat

Spirals of Empowerment in the Gutenberg Galaxy | Veneeta Singha

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The Spiral of Silence Theory was a beacon of enlightenment in an emerging sphere as it shone light on what is now a "blink of the eye" part of modern existence ...
