Sports-Implications for an Inclusive Society

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Sports levels the playing field, and can lead to societal inclusion.

Access Games

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Bringing new grocery stores to underserved communities, i.e. "food deserts," may not achieve all that food justice advocates want. Mark Winne brings his 25 years of working and living in a food desert to bear on the question, and reaches some surprising conclusions.

Apprehension of what may have happened!

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Certain incidents in life make you wonder how uncertain can life be.

A new multi sector forum for Nepal “Common Good”: how synergies can help fostering a new understanding to solve the most pressing problems

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Can we create a new loose forum where smart companies, innovative thinkers, social entrepreneurs, social activists, passionate citizens and out of box not for profits can come together? Everybody could have a role to play to set up new innovative partnerships.


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I was never a writer but over the past few few months writing has become my way of sharing my inner self and of cleansing my soul of the negativity.

Disability Issues in Nepal

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Mr. Sudarashan Subedi, President of National Federation of Disabled in Nepal, talks about issues of disability in Nepal

Local Body Election: The only way forward to local malaise

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The article is an attempt to point out the maladies existing in the local bodies over the years. It tries to highlight how the absence of elected people's representatives have plagued these autonomous democratic institutions at the grassroots. Moreover, it has hinted the solution to overcome these challenges and problems dogging the local bodies over the years.

Happy Birthday Sis-30 Years On

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My sister Deanne would have been 55 this year; she died when she was 25. This is a happy birthday note to her
