Launch of the World Water Development Report 2022 "Groundwater: Making the invisible, visible" (Mar 21, 2022, 10:00 AMToMar 21, 2022, 12:00 PM. T)

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he UN World Water Development Report 2022 on "Groundwater: Making the invisible visible" will be presented at the opening session of the 9th World Water Forum in Dakar, Senegal, on 21 March 2022.

Become A Young Leader for the SDGs

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Calling on young change-makers: the Office of the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth is looking for the next generation of Young Leaders for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)!

Webinar: Fit for Life: Sport powering Gender+ Equality (23rd March, 2022)

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Join UNESCO and UN Women for a webinar on how sport can contribute to SDG 5: Gender Equality.

UNU Senior Vice-Rector Speaks on Gender and Diversity at SDGs University Lecture

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On 14 February 2022, UNU Senior Vice-Rector Sawako Shirahase spoke at the “8th SDGs University Lecture” on the topic: “SDGs from the perspective of gender and diversity: Constructing a better future”. From a sociology point of view, Prof. Shirahase highlighted why gender equality has not improved in Japan for more than six decades and discussed how urgent it is for us to create a diverse society..

Call for applications for a social science and humanitarian Fellowship

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The Social Science in Humanitarian Action Platform (SSHAP) is launching Phase 3 of its Fellowship Programme to begin in May 2022. Funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and the Wellcome Trust, SSHAP is looking for future leaders in social science to be able apply their knowledge to humanitarian emergencies in a locally relevant way.

Global Energy Review: CO2 Emissions in 2021 Part of Global Energy Review Flagship report — March 2022 Global Energy Review Co2 Emissions In 2021 Cover Image

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The global CO2 emissions and energy demand numbers are based on the IEA’s detailed region-by-region and fuel-by-fuel analysis, drawing on the latest official national data and publicly available energy, economic and weather data.

Champions of Local Democracy(Swedish International Center for Local Democracy, ICLD)

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Gender or status does not matter, the important thing is that the people we are looking for have democratic values to inspire others. They may have gone through difficult situations, but never backed away from the front line of democracy. They have been or are still part of ICLD’s business and all have a personal story to tell us. Get inspired by those champions of local democracy!

Mind the Gap: How Carbon Dioxide Removals Must Complement Deep Decarbonisation to Keep 1.5°C Alive

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In its new report the Energy Transitions Commission outlines the role of Carbon Dioxide Removals in meeting global climate objectives. The analysis in this report describes how CDR, alongside rapid and deep global decarbonisation, can give the world a 50% chance of limiting global warming to 1.5°C.

[Joint Statement] Abolish Slave Compounds in Cambodia (FORUM ASIA)

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Media reports and victim accounts indicate these abuses involve foreign citizens who are kidnapped, sold, trafficked or tricked into accepting jobs in Cambodia.

All-girl team from the Philippines wins Sustainable Engineering Hackathon on UNESCO’s World Engineering Day

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An all-girl team of university students from the Philippines has won a hackathon marking UNESCO’s World Engineering for Sustainable Development Day on 4 March.
