to register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2022-un-south-asia-forum-on-business-and-hu...
The UN South Asia Forum on Business and Human Rights is back for its 3rd edition on 28-30 March. We look forward to you joining us for an exciting event! The event will be hybrid, with sessions taking place in Dhaka, Bangladesh and live-streamed for participants joining virtually.
Register now at https://bit.ly/safbhr3.
This year’s Forum is being co-organized by the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights, the United Nations Development Programme’s Business and Human Rights in Asia and the International Labour Organization, with support from the Government of Sweden. It will facilitate a robust, multi-stakeholder dialogue to foster joint action to prevent, mitigate and remediate business-related human rights abuses and advance the decent work agenda in South Asia.
Plenary sessions from 29-30 March will cover a wide range of themes, including addressing human rights abuses in the informal economy, just transitions and rights-based COVID-19 recovery, tackling environmental crises, shrinking civic space and the resulting challenges faced by rights holders, human rights defenders and youth activists and mandatory human rights due diligence.
We will also revisit national roadmaps – outlined during country sessions at the 2nd UN South Asia Forum in 2021 – charting action to promote business respect for human rights and assessing challenges and opportunities in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
The Forum will also host Safe Space Sessions on 28 March for closed door discussions among civil society organizations, businesses, trade unions and national human rights institutions.
Register now to receive updated information on the programme and speakers. The full programme will be shared in early March.
For those who wish to partner and organize a session or side event at the Forum – please email at harpreet.kaur@undp.org
If you have questions, reach out to us directly at unsaforum@undp.org, or visit our website at https://www.safbhr.com for more information and to learn about past forums. And please feel free to help us spread the word by sharing this invitation with people in your network or on social media.
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