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Gender and its relation with community Development and in context in Nepal

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This article talks about how is the relation of gender is with development and why is it necessary to understand the gender and its relation with community development.


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We are still waiting for the final text, but it seems that a balanced but not a perfect agreement has been reached. Enforcing and verification mechanisms might be the weakest parts of the new global agreement. Would it be a real game changer?


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Find here the full text of an historic UN resolution that acknowledges the contributions of youths in achieving and maintaining peace

Youths and Peace, here we are with UN Resolution 2250

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For the first time, the United Nations recognized the potential of youths in bringing and ensuring peace worldwide. Though a UN General Assembly Resolution is not a game changer per itself, it can be used a platform to advocate new innovative strategy to mainstream the ingenuity and creativity of youths in the peace making process around the world


No better time for volunteerism and yet so much can be done

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Around the world, policy making and researches have been active to promote and highlight the role and contributions volunteerism can contribute to achieve the new Sustainable Development Goals. Yet political will is needed to transform declarations and pledges in actions

The two irony of blockade in Nepal by India

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The two irony of blockade in Nepal by India

We are quite aware about the ongoing Madhesi movements in Terai. It has shown a huge impact on Nepalese economy as well as brought certain social change on day to day lives of people. We can now finally analyze how courageous is our government because they don't have even guts to say that it is a blockade. Every minister and media as well as government is saying it's an unofficial blockade where as everyone knows that is official.

Interview with Dr.Nikku, Social Work Innovator and Pioneer

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The ENGAGE Tlak with Dr.Raju Nikku sharing is passion for Social Work and Volunteerism.

Interview with Laurie Ahern, President, Disability Rights International (DRI)


Disability Rights International (DRI) is a USA based advocacy group with a global outreach. As President, Laurie ensures that organization keeps enhancing human rights and full participation in society of children & adults with disabilities worldwide. With a strong background on media in some of the most renown national dailies in the USA, Laurie explains about the groundbreaking work of DRI, especially in the sector of mental health.

Can minority group cause/ influence social change

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Social change is a process which have been there always in the society and affecting the lives of people in different way and people affecting/making the change in the society. Yes, it is possible for minority groups to cause social change. Minority groups are the problems of the society. They are the group who don't have access to many rights, employment, and education. They are the one who are deprived and are left behind in the society. Unless and until these minority groups are not taken to mainstream, the country (government) and societies face many problems.
