Conference: Participation for the Long-Term: Individuals, Interaction and Institutions 15-16 Dec 2021

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The conference will discuss about how to reinvigorate democracy Time: 15-16 December 2021 and it will be organized by University of Turku/Åbo Akademie as part of the PALO Project on deliberative democracy.


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The Impact Taskforce (ITF) is a global initiative formed out of the belief that our economies today are not meeting the needs of people and planet. The #G7-backed Impact Taskforce has released groundbreaking reports looking at the urgent actions governments, investors and others must take to put impact at the heart of investing - and help finance a just and inclusive transition to net zero.

UN forum closes with call to ensure inclusion is at the heart of innovation policies

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A UN forum has called for countries in Asia and the Pacific to move away from traditional innovation policies and put in place next-generation, inclusive policies that are designed beyond economic imperatives to solve the pressing social and environmental challenges of our time.

ILO: Inclusive institutions and structures are needed to go beyond the “illusion” of diversity

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A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work where diversity is concerned say contributing authors of "The Future of Diversity", an ILO co-publication.

An Amazing Holiday Story

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Please read this

2020 ANNI Report on the Performance and Establishment of National Human Rights Institutions in Asia

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The Asian NGO Network on National Human Rights Institutions (ANNI) launched the ANNI Report 2020 on the Performance of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs), that critically assesses the performance of NHRIs against the Paris Principles in 2020.

Luxembourg City wins 2022 Access City Award for becoming more accessible to persons with disabilities

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The 2022 Access City Award goes to Luxembourg City. A jury of accessibility experts recognised the city for its wide range of innovative solutions and improvements to enhance accessibility for persons with disabilities.

Youth letter to Norwegian Parliamentarians: You promised us a better tomorrow

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Norway had made some big promises At the Global Education Summit in July 2021 but new plans are falling well short of the commitment.
