Convened by UNDRR, the APMCDRR is the main regional platform in Asia-Pacific for promoting coordination and cooperation on DRR and the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. It brings together UN Member States, intergovernmental organisations, international and national organisations and stakeholder groups, to accelerate progress on disaster risk reduction.
As the first regional pla
The APMCDRR will build upon the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, which was organized in Indonesia in May, 2022. Centering around the theme of "From Crisis to Resilience: Transforming the Asia-Pacific Region's future through disaster risk reduction", the Conference will bring together Member States from the region; intergovernmental, international, and national organizations; and various stakeholder groups.
The Conference will take place in hybrid format, and you can register through 31 August to participate.
The Conference will host three Plenary sessions which will focus on critical areas related to disaster risk reduction:
- Plenary 1: Risk Informed Investments and Scaling Up Financing for Disaster Risk Reduction
- Plenary 2: Making Infrastructure and Systems Resilient
- Plenary 3: Community Knows Best: Reducing Disaster Risk for All
Check here for the Conference`s program.
As the first regional pla
Read more on IOM`s Engagement at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 2022.
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