International Day of the Girl 2020:"My voice, our equal future."

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Twenty-five years ago, some 30,000 women and men from nearly 200 countries arrived in Beijing, China, for the Fourth World Conference on Women, determined to recognize women's rights as human rights. The conference culminated in the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action: the most comprehensive policy agenda for gender equality.

Mental Health Day

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World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of mental health.The Day provides an opportunity for all stakeholders to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care a reality for people worldwide

Social Protection: A Right for All, or a Privilege for a Few? (15TH OCTOBER)

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This Regional Conversation, held in partnership with the ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, aims to discuss the need for broadening social protection, drawing from the perspectives of a wide range of stakeholders, such as Ministers from member States, nominated government representatives for the 6th session of the Committee on Social Development, academia and civil society.

Imaginable Futures and UNICEF Launches New Podcast: Learning to Overcome

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Imaginable Futures, a venture of The Omidyar Group, and UNICEF today launched a three-part podcast series, Learning to Overcome, that feature discussions with educators, innovators and entrepreneurs on strategies for ensuring equitable access to quality remote learning and supporting students’ well-being through the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

EU climate law: MEPs want to increase 2030 emissions reduction target to 60%

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All member states of the EUmust become climate neutral by 2050, says Parliament in a vote on the EU climate law, calling for ambitious 2030 and 2040 emissions reduction targets.

Aava Murto's speech on Girls Takeover day, 7 October

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In the Takeover Summit organized in Finland where young women and girls "take over" the power to celebrate UN’s International Day of the Girl, young activist Aava Murto was for one day the Prime Minister.

Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin will let 16-year-old Aava Murto take her place for the day

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Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin participated in the Girls Takeover event organised by Plan International on 7 October. For one day, the Prime Minister’s seat will be occupied by 16-year-old Aava Murto. In the Girls Takeover, which is part of the celebration of the UN’s International Day of the Girl, girls around the world step into the shoes of leaders in different sectors of society.

European Commission to issue EU SURE bonds of up to €100 billion as social bonds (Press Release)

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European Commission announces that it will issue its forthcoming EU SURE bonds of up to €100 billion as social bonds. To that end, the Commission has adopted an independently evaluated Social Bond Framework. This Framework is meant to provide investors in these bonds with confidence that the funds mobilised will serve a truly social objective.

Ending violence against children while addressing the global climate crisis

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The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and World Vision International partnered on the research paper “Ending violence against children while addressing the global climate crisis”, aimed at increasing awareness and attention to addressing these two issues together
