Oh Sorry, Your Identity is more Sacred than Mine!

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We all are equal. We all are free. No one has any right to label others as not 'good' and 'wrong' on what so ever ground.

It's a Peaceful Co-existence

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Tolerance is key to peaceful co-existence. This is my very first piece to be published. I look forward to writing many more

The Art and Wonder of ‘Don’t Know’

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How easily we say " Don't Know" for an answer to a question.


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There are no mistakes, only lessons to be learnt. This article is the biggest lesson that I have learn in life

One for All, All for One? A gentle nudge towards partnerships and collaborations in development sector

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Common advocacy agendas, peer sharing and division of labor do not automatically lead to joint cooperation at the implementation level but are definitely a prerequisite for stronger cooperation among actors all united against the same enemies: poverty, inequalities and injustices.

Ken Robinson: How to escape education's death valley

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Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson challenges the way we're educating our children. He champions a radical rethink of our school systems, to cultivate creativity and acknowledge multiple types of intelligence.

Teaching in the hyper-connected world

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The article is based on the reflection to the visit in a conference organized by Teach For All. Tom Friedman, author of The world is flat, put a huge impact in the audience of 32 nations so that they would really understand the need of collaboration and connectivity. After all, we shared the same mission to provide quality education to each and every children. ;evolusun

My American Children

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I'm so proud of my children, Daniel and Sarah, this is a piece about them and parenting

