KIX Annual Report 2022-2023

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Despite the unprecedented challenges of working in the aftermath of a global pandemic, KIX continues to adapt its work to meet emerging demands in the field of education - which is why we chose to emphasize how KIX is responding to the challenge of out-of-school children as the feature theme.

In this fourth annual report, we highlight KIX’ rising volume of high-quality research produced, the use of KIX-supported evidence in education decision-making in GPE partner countries, and the ability of country representatives to adapt and scale innovations that strengthen their education systems and promote gender equality, equity, and inclusion.

The report features stories of research uptake, including Chad’s formal endorsement of the EdTech innovation being scaled by the Bridges to impact through innovative EdTech project, to teach math and reading to refugee and displaced children through a highly contextualized digital technology. Uzbekistan has adopted the TPD@Scale model of teacher training supported by the Adapting and scaling teacher professional development approaches in Ghana, Honduras and Uzbekistan project.

For more examples of KIX progress, read the full report.

Position: Co -Founder of ENGAGE,a new social venture for the promotion of volunteerism and service and Ideator of Sharing4Good

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