Ache in the back because of bag

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With weight as equivalent to eight kgs, almost one third of their total weight; they walk, carrying their bags to schools. This is the bitter reality of private schools of different countries. I pondered why they have to carry such heavy loads on their slender shoulder. Doctors say it shouldn't be more than 10 percent of their total bodyweight. I did enquiry with some of the kids myself on that note. The responds I was replied to, really astonished me. They do it because of their schools' pressure, asking them to bring all the books and copies.

Unhealthy Health Care System

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Change in people’s perspective towards health, prudent investment of national resources and effective health/regulatory policies from the government are mandatory if we want to uplift the health standard of the country

An interview with Shila Thapa,Founder President of Down syndrome Society, Nepal (DSSN)

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People with Down Syndrome and other Learning and Development Disabilities have to go through so much physically and emotionally. In order to help them lead a normal life and to make them realize their abilities, Shila Thapa established Down Syndrome Society, Nepal (DSSN). In this short interview she talks about her inspiration,work,challenges and future plans.

Exploring Jumla and the work we do in communities

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As the new Country Director of World Vision International Nepal, i had the privilege to spend few days in far western Nepal, a beautiful region of the country where World Vision is working to empower local women groups through a comprehensive human development approach. Here a description of what i learned and saw during my field trip

World #Humanitarian Day: August 19, 2014

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World Humanitarian Day 2014 -

"This is a day to celebrate humanitarians around the world."


Helping One Person

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Making a difference in one person' life

Sharu Shrestha wins the ENGAGE Corps Best Volunteer Award

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At ENGAGE we look for volunteers who dare to make a little but tangible difference and Sharu is one of them. We strive to have with us young Nepali citizens who are passionate about serving others unassumingly and without much visibility. Sharu went far beyond the average.

A Hospital with Heart

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How Phul Kumari Mahato Memorial Hospital employees are serving the community in Siraha.

Closing the Valley’s schools during Modi’s visit is nonsense.

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Nepal needs to have a much stronger attitude towards duties and work. Why should the schools of the Valley be allowed to shut down during the ongoing visit of Prime Minister Modi?

Dear CEOs, thinking about doing some charity? Let your staff decide

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A letter to all the CEOs about a simple but effective way to empower their employees with responsibilities in the philanthropic aspect of Corporate Responsibility or Corporate Social Responsibility: setting up a charity committee.
