Communiqué,G20 Finance Ministers and Central bank Governors Meeting,Buenos Aires.(Jul.21-22,2018)

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Despite no major tensions and highlighting the importance of trade as engine for global economic development, no major breakthrough happened during the summit of the financial ministers of the 20 most advanced nations.

The 2018 Global Slavery Index

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There are still 40 million slaves in the world, of which the great majority is women, over 70%."Too often, the onus of eliminating modern slavery is placed only on the countries where the crime is perpetrated. They certainly have a responsibility, but they are not alone in this regard."


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Published by Portland Communication in partnership with the University of Southern California Center for Public Diplomacy focuses on the concept of soft power that according Joseph Nye, the originator of the concept is based on political values, culture, and foreign policy.

The 2018 Aspen Security Forum 18-21 July

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To answer critical questions about national and homeland security, the Aspen Institute’s Homeland Security Program presents the ninth annual Aspen Security Forum. Focus is on Homeland Security • National Security • Counterterrorism • Intelligence • Cybersecurity • Local Law Enforcement •

UNAIDS warns that progress is slowing and time is running out to reach the 2020 HIV targets

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New HIV infections are rising in around 50 countries, AIDS-related deaths are not falling fast enough and flat resources are threatening success. Half of all new HIV infections are among key populations and their partners, who are still not getting the services they need


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In this first part of this exclusive interview, Ian Sagar, a top athlete playing wheelchair basketball with Unipol Briantea84, the current Italian champion, summarizes his feelings about the season concluded few months ago.

Ian stated that the season been very good. He believes that  there has been the positive changes in the level of the game in Italy thanks to an increase in the number of teams through the years.

The importance of connections...

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This piece, originally published on Perspectives of the The Himalayan Times, talks about how difficult it is to create connections, a prerequisite for partnerships

Obama speech at Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture

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Former President warns against the raise of strongmen.

today is mandela day: today matiba would have turned 100

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A big event has been staged in South Africa to celebrate Matiba's legacy

Special Report Chatham House Expert Perspectives 2018 Risks and Opportunities in International Affairs

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There is a sense that the established order in global affairs is shifting. The rules, norms and institutions that have governed state-to-state relations and international policymaking for decades are being challenged by phenomena that include diminished US leadership, a more assertive China, political populism and technological change.
