ILO Monitor: COVID-19 and the world of work. 7th edition

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The latest analysis of the labour market impact of COVID-19 by the ILO, records massive damage to working time and income, with prospects for a recovery in 2021 slow, uneven and uncertain unless early improvements are supported by human-centred recovery policies

Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development 2021 23 to 26 March 2021

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The Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD) is an annual and inclusive intergovernmental forum and a regional platform for supporting countries, in particular those with special needs, in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development while serving as a regional preparatory meeting to the high-level political forum.

Solutions for a planet in crisis, speech by Inger Andersen Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme

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Inger Andersen is Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme "focuses on what we can do in four areas: the economic and business sphere, governance, science and our everyday lives" during a speech delivered at London School of Economics Public Lecture on 20th of Jan, 2021.

Listening to the Future ( Omidyar Network)

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How do we build a world we’ve never seen before? We must change who drives the future (Written by Eshanthi Ranasinghe and David Hsu, Exploration & Future Sensing)

EU Development Policy in 2021: Greater than the Sum of Its Parts? ( FROM CGD)

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Written by Mikaela Gavas, Anita Käppeli and Samuel Pleeck with the Center for Global Development, the briefing focuses on the challenges of a stronger and collective "EU Team" that can better aligns the international development efforts of all EU member states together with the work being done by the EU Commission.

The social contract and the role of social protection in building trust in government and strengthening the nation-state

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A strong social contract is a precious resource in any country. Without it, citizens will be reluctant to pay their taxes making it impossible for governments to collect the revenues they require to offer good quality public services to their citizens. Indeed, one of the main challenges facing countries across the Global South is low government revenues.


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A new series of online workshop being organized by the International Association of Volunteering Efforts, IAVE. They will cover a diverse range of issues, including a session on the role of volunteerism in the VNRs, the national reviews focused on the implementation of the SDGs and multiple interactions on Volunteering for Social Change.

The Davos Agenda

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The Davos Agenda is a pioneering mobilization of global leaders to shape the principles, policies and partnerships needed in this challenging new context. It is essential for leaders from all walks of life to work together virtually for a more inclusive, cohesive and sustainable future as soon as possible in 2021.

Shared Purpose by Clore Social Leadership

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SharedPurpose is a free, online space for anyone working for positive change driven by Clore Social Leadership.

Climate Adaptation Week Groningen Tue 19 January - Mon 25 January 2021

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Climate Adaptation Groningen is initiated by Akkoord Groningen and the Global Center on Adaptation, in collaboration with National Progamma Groningen. They stimulate awareness and action surrounding climate adaptation. Related to this, the Climate Adaptation Week will be held from Tuesday till Monday, 19–25 January 2021.
