The outcomes and recommendations derived from the Forum will feed into regional and global processes, including the annual Asia-Pacific Forum for Sustainable Development (APFSD) and the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF).
While the South-East Asian countries were not on track to achieve the SDGs by 2030, the COVID19 pandemic has further disrupted the subregion’s journey towards a more sustainable and resilient future. The pandemic has exposed long-standing development fault lines across the Asia-Pacific and exacerbated inequalities, leading countries to focus on the need to promote sustainable recovery and enhance resilience to address the possible lasting socio-economic downfalls experienced by most countries.
Against this backdrop, the South-East Asia Multi-Stakeholder Forum on the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals will enable an inclusive dialogue across stakeholder groups in South-East Asia on the subregion’s SDG progress and subregional actions to address challenges in expediting advancements in the context of the socio-economic crisis induced by the COVID19 pandemic. In particular, the Forum will aim to address the following questions:
- What are the impacts of COVID19 on the region’s journey towards sustainable, resilient and equitable development?
- How can South-East Asian countries address the lasting socio-economic impacts induced by the pandemic? What policy recommendations, including financing options, can the subregion tap into to and what do the countries need to take into consideration in the process of contextualizing?
- What are good practices that the subregion can share to promote cross-country and cross-regional collaboration?
The Forum will highlight salient points emanating from the discussions and aims to develop partnerships and concrete action plans for the subregion’s sustainable and resilient recovery.
by no later than 24 September 2021. You will receive an automated email upon registration including the MS Teams and the YouTube webcast links for each session of the event.
All questions regarding the Forum can be sent to escap-sro-sea@un.orgPlease be informed that all sessions will be conducted in English and translation will not be provided. All documents will also be in English.
See more: https://www.unescap.org/events/2021/5th-sea-multi-stakeholder-forum-sustainable-development
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