Is Heaven 4 Real?

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Questions about heaven, serving and getting older

A Temple in Patan: Traditional Practice | Veneeta Singha

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A stroll in Patan reveals ancient wisdom and spirituality.


Fuel Shortage: The Saga Continues

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The article is an attempt to shed some invaluable light on the recurring problem related with fuel shortage and ever increasing inflation and its impact on the common people. It also intends to highlight the causes of such problem that has taken its heavy toll over the years. Finally, it also hints the effective measures to contain the problem with active participation of private entreneurs.


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Mother's Day is a day of expressing one's one and gratitude. Over the years It has become a "product" of a consumerist society. Apart from this the article also explores my learnings on this day.

A pragmatic approach to end child labor

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Implementation of existing legislation or a novel, though controversial approach that will "legitimize" the plague of child labor allowing children to opt out if they want and get back to society. If they stay in, they will have ensured rights like education and health. Of course the second approach will not ensure the right to a serene childhood but...

My Love Flo

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I’m in love  with Flo even though she is only about 20 years old and maybe 20 inches from end to end.  I hope that I can start dreaming about her.  She is an extrovert, pure magic, never closes her mouth, although she is mute, and is beautiful, even with her scales.  Whenever she feels people approaching, she pops her head out of the water, asking to be scratched (and fed).  Flo is pure love vibrating throughout her yellowish-orange scaly body.   

At the City Museum of Kathmandu | Veneeta Singha

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Prep underway for Khumbila: A Concert and Live Art Fundraiser for the Families of Those Lost on Everest This Spring at the City Museum of Kathmandu

Pains of Labor Migration -1

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Tara Devi Subedhi, a former international labor migrant shares her pain and sufferning she experienced in the destination country. She also has some messages for potential migrant worker. 

Pains of Labor Migration -2

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Sheela wento Kuwait at young age as a domestic worker. All her hopes of a better life through earning from foreign employment has been dashed and her life is now an uncertain wait. 
